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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 30, 2023



I guess it’s more of a situation where they can’t penalize you if you buy and sell accounts.

But to answer your question, you would exchange your password for money and the account is now theirs with no fear that Valve will ban them for breaking a rule. They have to allow it but are not required to create functionality in Steam to make it easier.

In the same way a 2nd grader might cure cancer for a science project, yes there’s technically a chance.

Takes extra time to get that fourth A.

Also, never give Ubisoft money.

I’d wager there’s a higher chance the game never gets made than gets made well.

Introduce what things? How do you propose they stop gambling without removing trading?

Disabling trading items is a bad call. Look at epic and rocket league. The game was already dying and removing trading was a massive fuck you to a huge section of the player base.

I had initially lowered it a bit at some point. I didn’t realize it was steam recording for a while and spent a day or two trying driver updates and various things. next time I have a chance I’ll try a significant decrease just for testing.

Steam recording causes my mouse to stop moving for 1-2 seconds every 5-10 seconds.

They’re all just secretly mad they don’t get to stare at Geralt’s ass for several hours.

I have it on both and they’re pretty much identical. Having buttons available can be sorta nice for specific actions, but on the other hand a phone is easier to carry around. Both are great with minor pros and cons.

I’ll pay triple if I can play it 25 minutes before anyone else has access.

I 100% agree and you didn’t even mention the biggest selling point in my eyes. The joysticks are modular so you can swap them out if they ever get drift. The sticks are extremely high quality but drift is inevitable in most scenarios so it’s nice to only need to spend $20 instead of $200 for no more drift.

Yeah maybe it was petty but I don’t think it was unwarranted. Every other comment so far was an exact clone of “It’s alright” so I figured I’d add a unique perspective to the conversation.

I will never be guilt tripped into speaking out against a company who engages in shitty practices, but nice try.

I don’t know, I refuse to play Ubisoft games.

There’s a game on Kickstarter called Outbound. It’s in alpha access right now.

The game looks like it’s literally Raft in a camper van. Haven’t tried it yet but I plan to.

Steam link

I have a friend that in his own words likes boring games and Starfield was too boring for him.

This is why I exclusively use thrustmaster controllers. Joysticks are modular and cost 15-20 bucks to replace.

Yup I’ve tried all those too. They’re great. I found that a decently balanced experience for me was the one that adds tons of inventory space so I could build really good wands and the mini map mod. Knowing where enemies and hearts are makes the game a lot easier.

The game is very difficult but if you still have an interest there are a ton of workshop mods that make the game easier to learn/play. It’s really fun and I’ve logged hundreds of hours but vanilla is honestly too hard for me too.

Surprised to not see FTL mentioned yet.

I’m loving the track Balatro has too. I wish that game had more music like the one song it has.

Sometimes I wonder if big studios are even capable of creating truly good games. Might be that they realize the end result will be mediocre anyways so they may as well put in less effort for quick cash.

I trust a studio like SuperGiant to take as long as they need to create a masterpiece but I simply don’t believe EA could do the same with all the time in the world.

It’s becoming extremely frustrating.

Yup. That’ll happen when you touch anything related to epic.

Same, which is why I also enjoy sniper and spy as second and third favorites.

I’m willing to bet the revert to carts had something more to do with the switch being handheld and it’s small form than load times. Still a beneficial side effect though.

Been meaning to go back and play a bit. Maybe an influx of free to play players will bring me back.

Cosmetics are expensive too. I’m afraid a majority of players won’t pay those prices. If they offered some lower priced items they might have more consistent income.

Two recommendations:

wand bag - so that you can hold every wand you find and figure out how to build mega wands since you have every spell you’ve seen available.

mini map - so you can see where hidden hearts are so that you can have a decent amount of health by the time you get to the second/third levels.

The devs openly stated they were done working on the game and then apparently changed their minds. I’m so happy they did!

If you want to experience more of the game there are plenty of workshop mods that make it easier.