Tbh sounds fair. I mean keeping systems secure is not cheap task . If we can kep using w10 without all the “free AI “ shit , is not bad . I mean they will get their income from w11 from it on users… From users data. They should add windows clean with the office subscription and a not clean option . I would not say free. We are used to think that free is better, but there are a lot of time invested in development and updates. Linux free distros are not so secure, they even do a statement you have to agree to use them. that’s why companies pay Read hat .
The main idea “ lest create a new browser because chromium and Firefox have bad reputation in privacy “ is fine, but looking deeper into the project feels more like a monetary opportunity than a real interesting project in this times of privacy fear (VPNs already did billions). And there are concerns with this one, related to the license. The whole things has much propaganda. More of pay for privacy shit. I really hope developers time are not wasted or used with a fake idea. Like happened so many times.
Im not sure, Just fun? . Having a good time playing?. Reconfortable. Rewarding. Challenging . Passionate. Contentment . Fulfillment.