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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Yep. Fucking hypocrite tells people to use something he is hostile towards.

Fuck Epic, they are destroying PC gaming which means they are not developer friendly.

They are actively trying to shrink the market that developers can target.

The fact that you can’t use the Epic games launcher on Linux should be telling you what you need to know.

How is their 12 foot interface these days?

How is their position on running things via wine? Tim the bellend has generally been telling Linux users to use wine, but at the same time been generally hostile to it.

I almost didn’t make it through the intro for RDR2, 20 mins of trudging through snow.


This is wild if true.

I loved RDR, and played the fuck out of that. RDR2 spend so much time trying to distract me from actually playing that I got bored.

I was down voted a lot for preferring the original. Thats neat that others found the first better.

That’s half my sentence, dont add a full stop where there wasn’t one in quotes. It makes you a liar.

No one is competing on PC because

And then I list reasons why i don’t see the alternatives as credible competition.

I could basically buy anything that I get on Steam, on either Epic or GOG. Their market share is not why I buy games on Steam, I gave you those reasons already.

I do not run Windows because its a shitty hostile environment that contractually prevents distributors from providing an optimised interface for gaming. It inserts adverts into every section, and even Windows users unironically complain that Windows Update is malware.

Thats not what was said at all.

No competition is not good. But Epic is worse competition, and GOG is halfhearted competition that is an ultimately worse experience for most people.

You said

more efficient competitors

But now you are saying that they didn’t challenge the monopoly? If they dont even challenge then how are they competition?

Steam let’s me buy games and play them. The interface with Big Picture Mode let’s me interact with the store.

The issue I see is that no one is competing on PC with Steam because they keep trying to tie themselves with the fucking trainwreck that’s Windows.

They keep trying to tie themselves with shitty desktop launchers.

They keep trying to tie themselves with toxic customer service.

There is competition, but it’s with Sony, Microsoft and their consoles.

Disproven many times over.

You can’t sell the free generated Steam keys on other platforms lower than on Steam. You are perfectly free to sell the game on other platforms for less than Steam.

Thats not what they said, “More efficient” didn’t happen.

Just either a wildly more toxic environment with Epic, or a cheaper but much less user friendly one with GOG.

Steam didn’t need to change because neither of the competition understand the market.

So the problem is crappy guides?

I was of the opinion that anything that suggested the terminal was purely for speed reasons.

Average Windows guide. Click here, dismiss the warning, click here, click here, close the advert, click next, type in 1, accept, reboot.

Average Linux guide, go to Gnome Tweaks, third option, type in 1, no reboot required. Or open a terminal and paste the following command.

It’s precise, it’s concise, and it’s fast but it’s not required.

the are so many desktop environments

I completely disagree. There is Gnome with 70% of the market, KDE with 30%, and then various hacked together desktops with <1%. Guides should be set up for Gnome because you stick with defaults if you are that scared, maybe a reference for KDE, and if you chose something else then your already in copy/paste commands territory.

There was no part of me setting up SteamOS on my couch PC that required a terminal, which is what we are talking about here.


Steam doesn’t require any terminal opening, the hard part are shitty Windows games that pop up boxes to install extra stuff because for some reason they can’t install it when you install the game.

I haven’t been required to use the terminal for anything in years.

Honestly. I’ve been using Linux as my daily driver since the mid-2000’s (Warty Warthog?), and the only times the terminal gets opened these days is through pure choice. Maybe 10 years ago I would agree with you.

I’m running Linux for my couch based gaming and the experience is awesome. Much better than Windows ever was.

What makes you think that Linux is holding Linux back? The UI can be completely customised which makes Steam OS wonderful to use while Microsoft completely ban any customised interface out of the box.

Windows is only popular through inertia.

This is factually incorrect.

They can sell it for whatever price they want on other platforms.

What they can’t do is sell the freely generated Steam keys on other stores for less than the cost of selling them on Steam.

So they cannot put a game on Steam, then generate 100 free keys and put them on Greenman Games for 30% less than Steam. They can definitely put it on Epic for 30% less and let Epic pay the hosting and distribution.

What on earth games are you trying to play that are less resource intensive than the Steam Client?

I have old laptops that can run it without seeing any impact.

Does the Series S support USB controllers? Could you not use one of those knock off USB PS controllers?

Oh gotcha. You mean before it went Dual Shock 3? Sorry I thought you were referring to the multiple iterations the PS1 had.

Advantage over Dual Shock 2 was that it was wireless, and I do appreciate that, but I completely agree that PlayStation layout is great.

I do like the Dual Shock 4 when on the computer, as the little touchpad on the front helps with SteamOS when dealing with shitty interfaces for 3rd Party Launchers that demand a mouse and keyboard.

If I didn’t encounter them occasionally then Dual Shock 3 all the way as I dont normally need any of the other “features”.

I’m not sure what you are referring to here. The Dual Shock 2 was the standard PS2 controller throughout its lifetime.

Do you mean the OG PlayStation, which had the standard controller, then the dual analogue stick, and finally the Dual Shock with the two analogue sticks plus rumble?

I liked the analogue sticks, loved Katamari. Rumble didn’t add enough.

I didn’t say it was the case here. I quoted the point I responded to.

I wasn’t referring to World of Goo, I was talking about Epic paying studios to pull their games from other stores.

The conversation was about why people are fine with Steam exclusives, and why the general hate on Epic. The answer is obvious.

I guarantee those people never complain about a Steam-exclusive game not being on GoG or EGS.

Do you have any examples of Valve buying up studios and pulling them from other online stores?

It is also the OS.

Windows doesn’t let you have a Steam Deck experience because its against the ToS. Once you don’t care about the user experience, why would you care about the HID?

I was just wondering if anyone was going to provide an upgrade path for my NanoPi Neo 3.

This looks small enough to do that job!

[Edit] Checked out the specs, I don’t think this is going to beat the NanoPi Neo 3 at all.

But it’s good to see other folks try to make the machines tiny.

isn’t actually being manufactured by Antec, but is in fact just a rebranded version of the Ayaneo Slide.

The article says it is.

isn’t actually being manufactured by Antec, but is in fact just a rebranded version of the Ayaneo Slide.

So true. Although I didn’t always use VATS, sometimes I enjoyed the options.

I enjoyed Fallout 3. But I agree with the general point. RPG/FPS’ rarely gel.

Really? Played it through on the Deck, and a SteamOS self build I’ve got for couch playing and it worked great. No slowdowns at all

I had that on Playstation.

The first half was pretty good but the grind to progress get monotonous. It’s like half a poor copy of Uncharted, and half poor Tekan.

Nah, hasn’t been for a long time.