You’d have to admit it. But if you have it on your hard drive, a hacker could get it and blackmail you with it, or just distribute it.
There are lots of sick fucks that will distribute it themselves and even send it to their victims to harass them directly. It’s already happening.
I don’t think it’s possible to ban it outright, and I think what people do on their own computer is their own business so long as they aren’t connecting to other computers, but we should have strong laws against distributing it and treat it the same as distributing secretly taken real nudes against someone’s will. Victims need recourse against harassment.
I think it would be too big of a privacy overreach to try to ban it outright as I think what people do on their own computers is their own business and there’s no way to enforce a full ban without being incredibly intrusive, but as soon as it gets distributed in any way I think it should be prosecuted as heavily as real non consensual porn that was taken against someone’s will.
so what exactly are they doing wrong besides providing service to potentially questionable companies?
Well I think that is the main point of what is wrong. I think the big question is whether the mature content toggle is on by default or not. The company says it’s off, but some users said otherwise. Dunno why the author didn’t install it and check.
Sorry, but the people using the original definition are definitely the minority now. It’s just how language evolves, niche terms that get popular get generalized. Developers aren’t misusing the term because original rogue likes are just that popular, they’re misusing the term because the vast majority of their audience misuse the term and couldn’t give less of a shit about the original definition.
I saw some comparisons of unrigged models from pal world overlayed with Pokemon models and they had nearly the exact same pose and proportions with some geometry tweaked. The chances of them matching up that closely by chance is practically impossible, and there were several examples. One rip off model is not enough to win a case, but if there’s a lot of them I think there’s a pretty good case that can be built. Gameplay and concept wise, I don’t think there’s a case, but with the model infringement there may be enough to show a deliberate pattern of ripping their model files.
EDIT: Found the post:
The silhouettes minus the the extra details are nearly identical.
They own 1/3rd of Pokemon, but the games are made by game freak which also has 1/3. The final 1/3 is owned by creatures Inc which is a joint venture.
Nintendo doesn’t make the games, they just publish them, game freak is responsible for the games.
IMO there are a few problems with how Pokemon is developed. First, they impose an intense release cycle with release dates that are inflexible. This is because Pokemon is a multi media experience with tons of merchandise and media that depends on the next generation coming out, and despite the games now needing a much larger scope, they have not slowed down the release cycle.
Second, they haven’t really expanded their development staff since the DS days. It’s not that they’re cheap, it’s that the director of the games prefers working with smaller teams and never adapted to building a larger team which is necessary for the bigger scope of the games.
I actually think the developers themselves are very talented as they’re still putting out games with large scopes with a ridiculous release cycle and team size. I think their issue is mis-management, not talent.
Consoles are basically just pre built PCs with an OS dedicated to games. There will always be a huge audience that wants an easier to use purpose built device for games. The situation might change though with steam os getting better and allowing for PC games to compete with consoles on the same footing.
Ah thanks I think I forgot that sentence by the end of the article and thought it was just a user report that it was checked by default. I really don’t think that it should be checked by default, depending on where you are it could even get you in trouble. App setup for this kind of stuff isn’t necessarily only for power users now, it has gotten very streamlined and tested for conversion.