That’s whataboutism - a low carbon footprint doesn’t change whether or not Nano is a scam. My Excel spreadsheet has an even lower carbon footprint than the AI you’re pitching here. If they own a large enough majority to control the network, then they can dictate policy or favor their own blocks for free money.
What would be a controlling share with Nano?
The largest representatives according to voting weight were the exchanges last time I checked
Which is irrelevant because holders can just choose different representatives.
So I mean, while I can’t prove that the foundation held more coins than they claimed, I’m unaware that there was ever a sign of them actually doing so.
The sign is them creating a design that expects this tremendous amount of trust. It’s extremely conspicuous to create a vulnerability that only the foundation can exploit, that can go undetected if they don’t make a huge mistake.
It has to come from somewhere, right? How would you fairly distribute coins that aren’t mined?
You can’t fairly distribute a premine. Don’t use coins with premines.
I’m glad you’re not here to shill Nano, but it is a scam and you are promoting it.
You are one of those suckers if you believe every distributed coin was solved by a CAPTCHA. The centralized(!) foundation pinky promises that they didn’t sock puppet ten times as many suckers at launch, and then keep a controlling share of stake permanently.
A better way to do the initial “airdrop” is to not do centralized issuance at all, because anyone would be a complete fool to trust any crypto foundation.
Nope, and now I figure it might as well just wait a little.