Soccer stops after goals for people to dance around, mug for photos, put the ball under their shirt and suck their thumb, taunt the opposing supporters, etc.
Soccer stops after fouls for people to roll around and act like they have a compound hip fracture, and for the teammates to surround the ref and scream at him.
I’m not opposed to these things except the ref-crowding.
It’s also a nice coincidence that these happen to be prime situations for a video official to check things.
The offsides hair splitting and angel pinhead dancing done in PL VAR is ridiculous though.
I was a skeptic; “I can’t see all the pixels unless I’m as close to the screen as the screen is wide, why bother?”
Then I went over to my friend’s place and watched some stuff on his 4K OLED. Holy shit. So I can’t see all the pixels, but turns out that only perceiving 2.5-3x the data is still a big improvement.
I’m still not gonna pay for one until they get a lot cheaper.
Deep Mind is actually delivering shit like an estimate of the entire human proteome structure and creating the transcendently greatest go player of all time.
Meanwhile these chucklefucks are using the same electricity demand as Belgium to replicate a math solver that could probably be assigned as half-term project in an undergraduate class and are pissing themselves about threatening humanity.
The Valley has lost its goddamn mind.
It can be legal to do medical or biological research that is painful, kills the animal, paralyzes the animal, makes it die of cancer, etc.
You need to get the correct permits and approvals and then it’s legal (I once worked in a lab that among other things killed mice and put their brains in a blender … it was legal, but I didn’t last long in bio after that).
There’s no IRB system, there’s no NIH standards, there are no BSL criteria, that permit dogfighting.
I can be aghast at the Neuralink outcomes without feeling sorry for Mike Vick. And I don’t.
Ehh, the top folks at Google were all selling their maximum-permitted amount every window they got for a decade and the stock held up.
You typically don’t need to buy shares as an insider, the company just prints more gambling slips – er, I’m sorry, non-transferrable stock options – and hands them out.
I had a false accusation of sexual assault leveled against me in a court filing (as soon as we got in front of a judge it got tossed). It is pretty awful to have something like that stated about you in an official document, even when the outcome is “Dismissed”.
And fwiw, to take the Carroll case in NY, I thought the line of argument “she can’t remember what year it was?” was a pretty reasonable thing to have doubts about.
I never said that OP was “siding with Linus”, I said OP was using a rhetorical style that can be used to dismiss/minimize claims from pretty much anybody, regardless of the situation.
I wanted to call OP’s attention to the fact that that style of argumentation is used in bad faith more often than not.
More than a couple people in my life have been sexually assaulted and if you’ve ever actually been close to somebody who has, the callousness of the “well why didn’t you…” line of nitpicking is glaring.
This reads like every rape apologist asking why the person didn’t react like your idea of an “ideal victim”.
To be clear I’m NOT saying that you would ever help create a permissive environment that passively encourages the type of behaviors described in her post, my question is just why you’d feel compelled to write 750 words of “I’m just asking” around your structural dismissal?
Wouldn’t you realize that you’re parroting a rhetorical style that has been used to justify and paper over mistreatment of women in business and personal settings? If this were a good faith statement why would it repeat every trope trotted out by Joe Tacopina?
I just don’t know, I’m not saying I do or do not think that OP’s statement is an example of unwitting enrollment in institutional sexism, or whether I do or do not think it’s trolling.
I just don’t know.
I’d rather have kids get interested in playing poker than pulling a slot machine lever.