Black Flag was/is such an enjoyable game. I always wanted the option to have an npc take the helm so I could head up to the crows nest and just chill out, watching the sea pass by and listening to the crew sing shanties while we sailed off to wherever. Still holding out some slim hope that some modder will randomly take up the task some day, hah, though it seems like the modding options for BF are very limited, judging by what’s available.
Unnecessarily long
Lol. “How dare you give me a comprehensive explanation of specifically what I asked about! Rude!” What is rude is being so shitty to someone that went out of their way to try and help you understand something, acting like it was a personal insult. How selfish and demanding of you.
As I remember, the liquification was more so part of the curse than the trials. The immense pain and risk of death is true either way, though.
And I don’t see any conflict with Ciri here. That would be her continuing to fight to make her own life, no? The destiny she’s running from isn’t about her being a witcher. More so the opposite, as I understand it.
It’s not so much “built in” asit is just included by dev/pub request. Lots of games don’t:
Its not about the inclusion of a character, but about how a specific scene with that character is handled.
You didn’t read my comment, did you? Like the part where I specifically mention that? I don’t care if the scene was shot on a camcorder for a student created after-school special on a PTA budget. Acting like that’s the problem instead of any of the reactionary bullshit to it is not the viewpoint of someone who truly cares about these populations. Where’s the “helpful” article about shitty hetero romance scenes in countless movies/shows/games and how we should do better there? Those don’t cause a blip. But this? This is a “problem”. Fuck that.
and doesn’t even use the games existing lore for transgender people but instead uses modern terminology.
This reads like those losers that rage about black people in The Witcher because it’s “noT hIStoRIcaLlY AccuRAtE”. Bemoaning “modern terminology” is so pointless. They’re also speaking modern languages through the majority of the game. Gonna write a Forbes “article” about that, too?
I just want to voice my opinion that not every article about video games needs to be shared/promoted, particularly gamergate-lite shit like this. “Only” whinging about how non-cis white male characters are included in games is hardly any better than the chuds bombing the game on metacritic.
I’d also argue this violates your own sub’s rule (rule 9), not because it’s about “political” genders, but for explicitly calling peoples’ existence “political messaging”.
In most cases, acquisition seems to work out poorly for indie studios, but ND has certainly made good use of Sony’s resources while they’ve been there. I’m just glad I get to play their games finally.