• 2 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: May 09, 2024


That was exactly what inspired this post. Its at the point that I don;t want to continue for fear of doing more ofthat bullshit.

Honestly, Spiderman’s stealth sections are way way worse. But they don’t make me dread continuing the story.

It wasn’t until I had spend a almost a half an hour on that fucking MJ missions on spiderman.

Whats even the point? I get so many ads that they are almost entirely ineffective now. Its just white noise, the sound of the wind, the idle thoughts in my brain I am just hit with so many that none stick.

I am just going to wait until the prices go down in the fall and there is still plenty left and then buy a PC instead.

Not really. They still take a lot of time to deal with.

That’s fine. But it takes so long to deal with them that it kills my patience

Less about balance and more about them being fun to play against

I am mostly talking about bannerlord and total war.

Horse archers ruin every game they are in.
Who the hell finds it fun to either waste time trying to lure them into a trap or chase them down? And it's so much worse against ai because they don't need to micro manage the way humans have to so it seems whenever I use them they get wrecked under the first half assed volly from any unit. This applies to literally any game. Who has fun with this shit?

Thank god its not a free game. I just watched a clip on steam and that shit would suck me in so badly. Fuck that.

EDIT: and I clicked the ad by mistake and that face scared the shit out of me. Like a goddamn nightmare.

As far as billionaires go it could be worse.

Well, I bought FC5 for 10. It was still a rip off, but put that shit on sale and make something back.

Why don’t they just start using ai to generate games? Its cheaper and no one will notice.

This shit scares me. It will become so easy to rewrite history from here. Just delete anything you don’t like and have an ai rewrite into whatever you want. Entire threads rewritten, a company can go back and have your entire post history can be changed in ways that might be legally compromising.