29 | He/Him | Garlic Bread Enjoyer | Software Engineer

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


I loved the first game, bought the second one on release, and havent launched it by this day. Should really catch up

What had happened to the people in ZAUM (or what was once that studio), is a tragedy, and a huge shame. I’m not even a cRPG/dnd person, but that game has singlehandedly opened my eyes to a whole new world. It’s easily in my top10 games of all time, and I wish we could get another one eventually

For a second there, i’ve panicked, thinking this is about Monolith Soft. Either way, really sucks for the workers, but WB themselves can eat shit

Because some people love going off headlines, and not the actual articles, and then further twist information, to promote their narrative.

They never said there will never be one. They said there won’t be yearly incremental releases, because they want a substantial performance leap. And that is something I strongly admire. Makes the customers feel more secure in their choice, and lets Valve work on new stuff in peace

Making brand new content costs a ton of money, and Sony clearly made colossal missteps in regards to that recently. With this, they’re hoping for what’s essentially free cash

Archolos, and it’s not even close. This is one of the best gaming experiences i’ve had in years

No one’s said anything about hating it. For me, it’s primarily a co-op game, and if they’re not going to switch to it, it’s better for me to save the cash, and put it towards something else

Unless my friends, who have put a lot of hours into both Civ 5 and 6, unanimously recommend 7 to me, I have no intention of getting it.

I’m both satisfied enough with what I already own, and not sold on the new one yet. Not to mention that it’ll inevitably be a vehicle for more dlc and expansion pack sales

No standalone expansions, missing some expansion packs, no visual improvements, no UI scaling, no modern settings, and they want 20 dollars for EACH?

I’m good

I feel horrible for the people affected, because for a lot of them, this was probably a dream job, but Ubisoft will get 0 sympathy from me

There are plenty of uses for machine learning, that are genuinely helpful and useful, but the way people shove generative AI, and surveillance down everyone’s throat needs to stop

It might inspire me to continue not wasting my money, and buying everything on sale, if it’s worth it at all

Yeah, it is. And it deserved all the success it got. It was great, until Sony fucked them against their will

Sony specifically had to learn many harsh lessons recently.

The Bungie acquisition brought them nothing but issues. Concord being shutdown immediately after launch was a huge was of money too. Other titles under the Sony umbrella are either struggling, or gaining poor reputation due to their completely numbskull decision to enforce PSN account usage, even for single player offline games.

They need to get their head out of the clouds

Came here to suggest The Binding of Isaac, but it looks like people already convinced you. Hope you love it! I’ve achieved 100% completion at around 870 hours, and one of my acquaintances is currently at 4.1k hours played of that. It’s an incredible amount of fun

I’m currently sitting at 306 total Epic titles, out of which I’ve paid for a grand total of 1. Even that was a gigantic mistake.

I’ll continue collecting these, just out of spite to ye old Tim Sweeney, and his bullshit attitude towards the community, purely because he has to pay out of pocket for every license we claim

Just got a copy a couple weeks ago from GOG. Excellent little game

Heroic is great. Especially with the upcoming umu integration, it’s as seamless as it gets. Plus if you install anything from there, you also get a choice to add it to your steam library for easy access

There are several contributors here.

Halfway through the lifecycle of Destiny 2 so far, Bungie realized that they have an insane amount of technological debt, and started cutting content out of the game, because it was unsustainable otherwise. The original promise was to rotate the cut content back in, but it was essentially just a lie.

One other outstanding issue is how bland, underdeveloped, and uninspired things are. Every update is “two tokens, and a blue”. Every new event is either standing on a plate, or throwing a core. Core game systems don’t work. The entire new season is fundamentally broken, and took away thing people still liked, just to return a ton of things people despised.

There is a lot more to it, but the core of the issue can be narrowed down to the business leadership being completely out of touch with reality, and bleeding resources

It’ll continue becoming worse too.

Most of the people I know are fed up with the issues. When frontiers comes around, I will not be buying it, at any price.

Bungie have shown that they are unable to improve things long-term. It’s always a bungie (sorry) cord jump, except with every bounce they sink deeper instead

Let’s not jump to accusations now. People can be critical of something, without it being inherently negative. If anything, I want them to do better, because I know they can do better

Not disagreeing, but I hate my limits too.

Persona and Metaphor deserve all the success they’ve gotten, but after putting several hundred hours into the RGG games, they could have at least given Majima a new shirt, you know?

They’re not a retro company. They’re just stuck in the past, and unable to head into the future. The consistency and the quality of their products say everything anyone needs to know

Guildwars has been my choice for quite a while now. I enjoy most things about it, and it doesn’t feel like a job either. I can do my things, take a break, come back and still have fun. Plus all the cash shop items can be bought with in-game gold, which i do regularly.

Apart from that, I still really like ESO, in theory, but Zenimax continue showing incompetence and greed, so the interest there is decreasing fast. And that’s a shame

It’s essentially a MonsterHunter clone, originally revealed 7 years ago, but based on what I’m hearing, since then it’s been riddled with horrible mismanagement issues, and players lost the vast majority of their earned items, for them to return as mtx later

This is excellent news.

I doubt much of anything will change for ESO itself, but happier workers are the real goal

I’d really love to play this game eventually. Looks really cool, and a couple of my friends were quite impressed by it

A corpo bully pointing fingers at some AI slop they use, how convenient

I keep meaning to play the first one, it’s always looked pretty interesting to me. This looks pretty exciting for a trailer too

Ubisoft are genuinely speedrunning their way towards a shutdown and a buyout

The A580 launched at 175$+tax. We are not talking about the same card

Hopefully it will bring some decent generational improvements. The only thing i’m not a huge fan of is the 45% price increase over lasts gen, which isn’t even putting used or discounted cards into consideration

That shouldn’t really be news to anyone. They’ve stretched themselves almost too thin with the scale of Elden Ring, and it’s a miracle, that it’s turned out this damn good.

But even besides that, I’d always take a well put together game every 5 years, than some uninspired yearly slop. Good games are still art

If you’re into older rpgs, i would wholeheartedly recommend the Gothic trilogy. Will fit just under 5$, but they’re absolutely insane value for the money. With that you’ll also get Archolos for free, which has blown all expectations away entirely. This mod ended up being better than a lot of big-budget titles I’ve played, and they’ve done it all out of pocket

They may be crossbuy, which will definitely be awesome, but then it’d still have to buy a PC copy, and a Playstation one. Same reason why my Switch has basically become a Xenoblade Chronicles machine. I don’t like paying double for an inferior version of the game, just so I can play it handheld

People continue to buy it, so they will continue selling it. On top of that, gaming isn’t even their biggest market, so we stopped, it wouldn’t put a dent into their business.

It’s a big shame though

I can’t really say I’m super excited.

Back in the days, you bought a PSP, and you got a shitload of exclusive games, with an occasional fan-favorite port. It was incredible value, especially for a handheld. Today, unless you’re a Playstation gamer specifically, getting the console isn’t even worth it. Knowing Sony, they will introduce a proprietary storage format yet again too.

Buying multiple licenses for the same game, across different platform is annoying as well. That’s one of the reasons why the Deck is so massively successful