CS2 uses a design paradigm called Entity Component System, which allows for aggressive multi core utilization by splitting up game logic into self contained “systems” that operate on a subset of “Components” per “Entity”. This allows for data dependencies to be statically analyzed and a scheduler to maximize CPU Utilization thanks to the better separated workflows.
It uses DOTS from Unity to accomplish this. There is a small bottleneck in communicating this work back to the game’s renderer, but it is doing a lot of valuable work with all those cores.The communication with the renderer and their rendering implementation sucks right now and thats where the performance tanks.
I am very aware of how at some level there are less multicore workloads involved but a CPU core can do a metric shitload of work, it’s the RAM and GPU transfers that kill performance. We dont need to blame Unity here, they are fucking this up 100% themselves.
Theres a video that explains all this but I cant find it and thats pretny annoying so whatever.
You lost all credibility when you said
It is actually a popular segment of technology that has been growing and improving for decades.
Which you wasted no time before saying! VR is great and the idea the person your responding to is posing is stupid and misinformed.
VR has been tangibly growing / developing for a decade at best.
wtf stupid take is this? I bet you are so brilliant, so smart, that you have successfully managed to point out a hole that dbrand’s lawyers have completely missed! I’m sure the investors totally had absolutely zero concerns about that and never mandated some form of investigation… I’m sure dbrand has taken no action at any point to verify that their business dealings do not go afowl of the law. Thank GOD for brilliant people like you, showing the companies the way.
Salty writer fears being made obsolete by beep boop.
i hate how popular it’s become to hate on AI amongst people who know little to nothing about it.
Id forgive it if it were clever or funny, but this is really just obviously salty ad hominem strawmanning by someone who doesn’t understand or appreciate the technology
The fucking irony of your own words is incredible. Oh my fucking god.
Oh man… to throw my towel in the ring as someone who knows about it: it’s fucking dumb, no it is not the future of everything. LLMs aren’t even “artifically intelligent” they’re just machine learning.
Okay losers, time for you to spend obscene amounts to do your part in funding the terrible shit company nvidia.