Dota, 9,000+ hours. I don’t play it anymore though, toxic af
I now mostly play Path of Exile and World of Warships
My patient gaming badge has been ruined by Stalker 2 and Path of Exile 2 :(
Yup, this is actually pretty amazing
You’re obviously looking in the wrong place for games then…
Awesome! Inside is far better than Limbo in my opinion, but they are both good games
Lieutenant, get aboard. We gotta get the hell outta here
Negative. I have the gun. Good luck, sir.
Good luck to you, Spartan.
Halo Reach is my best honestly
Halo Reach, hands down. Phenomenal, all the feels
Rainworld is a masterpiece
Biweekly sounds awesome! I’ll be there for that
I’m playing Read Dead Redemption 2 for the first time, it’s a really good game
I’m addicted to Mindustry, and I wouldn’t say it’s mild lol. Started playing it a few months ago, absolutely love it
I second this, Revolution is great
I will not touch this game because I know myself too well
A short hike is so good! And it’s not a very long game, so it’s a small commitment but so worth it
Yeah it’s pretty crap right now unfortunately. I’ll be waiting at least 3 more years before I give it another try
Green is clearly the next colour release, to complete the RGB cycle
Oh thank god, what a relief
It seems like a great game but I just cAnt get into it :( maybe the style or gameplay isn’t for me, idk
I’d love to get a steamdeck! One day I’ll have one
Dota, 9,000+ hours. I don’t play it anymore though, toxic af
I now mostly play Path of Exile and World of Warships