I recently learned about “From the depths” because of Martincintopants Video about it. Yesterday evening I saw, that it was 50% off and bought it immediately.
Yeah, but we have seen a lot of examples where it was clearly a lack of time. An example would be the Gollum game. It had some very good concepts(making decisions between both of his personalities), but it didnt had any impact. This seems like something where if they had more time they could have formed this into a very good game mechanic.
I really like the thoughts put into the game. However, I personally think, that micro transactions aren’t necessarily a bad thing, if you do them right. As an example for this I would call Helldiver’s. You can pay to get faster progress, but it isn’t necessary by any means. You can unlock everything with a reasonable amount of grinding.
Having a friend that has a shit load of stuff reallyhelpss I never worried about having the vest builds too, but if you want to farm(e. G. endo(or what was the currency used for upgrading mods called again?)) You need good builds because otherwise you are quite fucked and need a lot of runs to farm some decent amounts.
Warframe is great. I personally lost interest due to the fact that it takes a shit load ofti.me to get a really good warframe build.
That’s not exclusive to Real Gamers™