i’m lizard
It technically still exists in the game properties -> installed files tab, but it doesn’t really work. The backup files you get require you to be online to meaningfully restore and will trigger a patch to the latest game version.
Practically speaking it’s better to just make a copy of the game install directory manually, gives you a better chance of things working (even though most games require some kind of external tooling for that).
Aside from all of the problems with the game itself, I think they must’ve had one of the most unfortunate launch moments. Hero shooters had been pretty much on the downturn and then just before they launched, Deadlock went public and suckered quite a lot of the hero shooter audience into playing a full-on MOBA/FPS hybrid. And Deadlock is very quietly breaking all kinds of silly records for what’s technically an invite-only alpha (currently #8 on Steam’s most played with 137k concurrent players).
Looking at the slides in the original Japanese source, this tooling also has a whole lot of analysis options and can pull/push game data/positioning both to and from a real Switch or something along those lines. Integrating that much custom features into an off-the-shelf tool would probably take just as long.
Browsing through the PDF, I’m getting the vibe that their way of measuring “skill” is weird. They claim to use multiple methods of measuring, they list a few obvious ones that they’ve found to be bad, but they don’t say which ones they are using because “we are constantly iterating on our performance metrics to optimize the player experience per game-mode”.
Elo-like systems tend to adjust skill based on the chance of winning current match X win/loss, but they’re not (just) doing that. I wonder if they have a few weird metrics that look good on paper/in the lab but don’t feel good in play.
For current exports, it’s some custom .csm/.csd file combo. Not sure if there’s any tools for working with it, seems like it’d be more annoying than just using a normal archive format either way.