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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 09, 2023


Hmm fascinating - no driver issues? You know what Lenovo is like….

Hmm interesting what was the installation like - did you dual boot or wipe the drive?

TIL world of Warcraft still exists

I’m not sure about the need for AC when your house is in the shade, but nevertheless understandable, have a nice day

So windows can suck my balls but I do get fucking outstanding standby time on my legion go. Can leave that bad boy in hypersleep for literally months and it’ll wake up when you want it. Windows is still rubbish on a handheld tho tbh.

Why is Nintendo such a gigantic piece of shit about fucking everything

“We want people to be shouting, yelling at these things saying why, why won’t you work you stupid goddam piece of shit, why won’t you do the goddam thing you’re fucking supposed to”

Somewhat concerned that it’s been released by this publisher - isn’t the guy a huge asshole?

Edit: thanks for the downvotes with no explanation, naturally I had confused videogamedunkey with someone else. I know little of vidya, and nothing of ‘game donkey’

I think now that I’ve moved most of my photo editing to my Mac and steam has propelled gaming on Linux into ‘very reasonable’ territory, it might be time to actually just ditch the ol’ windows. Only issue is I have an nvidia gpu atm unforch.

Wow I like this Elon guy less and less every time I read a headline about him

Well that seems unfortunate. Never played dead cells but something struck me as off about it idk.

Well I’ve gone from being entirely indifferent to strongly disliking Google. I am actively and somewhat successfully in the process of de-googling. I encourage my friends to do the same, with some success. I think the writing is on the wall. Google seems to have no desire to maintain any sort of goodwill or positive feeling amongst the general public, whom it clearly views as a naturally occurring resource rather than a customer base. Nobody can predict the future but I don’t have a good feeling about the future of the company. Perhaps they will be able to diversify, but their recent actions show both that they deeply misunderstand their product and also that they lack good ideas about how to progress and evolve as an organisation. Fuck Google. All my homies hate Google.

It’s fucking incredible watching Google change from a fairly well-liked company into essentially fucking Comcast. Fucking incredible.

Oh damn you’re right je ne suis pas le français