as long as you don’t purchase it from a carrier then yeah it should be possible. though they have been going a weird direction with their OS lately, I don’t see why they’d remove that feature
I’m hoping Intel can really compete with AMD and Nvidia and their high end cards with this sort of pricing. should hopefully bring it back down to reasonable levels
have been meaning to get into baldurs gate! I’ve got 4 other friends that I played DnD with a while back and it was hilarious. from what I’ve seen of it BG3 would be amazing to play as a group
no man’s sky VR lately! I love the feeling of flying in starships and the seamless transitions between planets and space! wish it had some form of starship racing.
if deckard turns out to be inside out tracked with a depth sensor to scan the playspace instead of having to manually set it like how quest 3 is said to have soon I will scream
absolutely ruined my day. every time I grab my Asus Rog and see that nanometer dent, I fall into deep depression