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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 05, 2023


I have an inkling that the next mass effect is going to be worse than all the ones that came before it. They’ll pump large amounts of money into it, make it beautiful, but the story will be dull, the missions repetitive, the worlds uninteresting, and probably they’ll add some kind of micro-transactions, a perma-online mode, and a “game pass”. Making it a prequel wouldn’t surprise me either.

Good idea. We need game awards that don’t just have AAA games winning all the time because they could spray the internet and real world with ads. They are mostly just flashy remakes of something with very few new elements aka no innovation, mostly bought because people were hyped into buying it.

First handhelds, then PCs, then laptops, then phones. Maybe, maybe, maybe we’ll finally see another OS take a big bite out of the OS market. Fuck Macs. They are a shit choice (unless you like being locked in).

Most gamers: sweet, let me hand them my money!

Now that Stop Killing Games is actually being taken seriously

It is? They’re still at 39%. Let’s not call victory before reaching the start of the race. Getting to 100% will just be the beginning.

Also, kernel level anti-cheat seems like an easy thing to fix: don’t buy the game. Be a little bit more principled and selective in your purchasing choices.

Maybe going private is good? Then they might not be beholden to investors who want a quick buck.

Have you found a good controller to play the game with? Mario Kart would probably be quite awkward to play with just arrow keys.

I enjoy watching tournaments to see how much of skill difference there is between me, the one day a week gamer, and the pros who play every single day for 8-12 hours. It shows you what is possible and what the limit is.

Once I bought a game because I saw a pro playing it and thought it looked like fun. Boy, was I wrong. The gaming community is not just a shit-hole, it’s a toxic, radioactive bog of brain dead troglodytes caked in layers of fecal matter, impervious to reason or friendliness. Not only that, many multiplayer games have either no tutorial and you’re dropped into a war zone when you keep dying, all the while being screamed at by some dude with a supermarket mic that’s either in his asshole, mouth or 3 meters away on his console, with no possibility of reviewing what you did or a some kind of training chamber / level with bots to get better in peace and quiet.

How is Lemmy doing in the Turkish community? Is there a Turkish lemmy instance?

Hmmm, wanted to say Brasil, but maybe Sweden?

Who still uses windows 7 or 8? Who actually uses it for gaming?

Digital fiefdoms like who, you ask, as if you don’t already know the answer? “Valve is the most egregious example,” says Gavrilović. He hopes for a future where devs, not digital feudal lords, have more power, “but I lack the imagination to envision the replacement of Valve with a community owned alternative. That ‘winter castle’ will not fall as easily, but we should at least start openly discussing alternatives.”

Make an opensource game store that’s owned by a non-profit and paid for by the game studios that want to sell on it, giving them a say on how things should run.

Google just wants to copy the fruit store. They want total control and have seen how the fruit store does it. Competition is bad for business.

Can people really see the difference? I’d love to see a test between screens at different refresh rates, resolutions, and FPS, and how well people can discern between them. I have a feeling most wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Do you have a permit for that personal nuclear powerplant, sir?

That makes sense. And the leaders of Mozilla probably know this, so they have no incentive to be better, just to exist and pocket the money. Firefox won’t get better unless another competitor appears and becomes a danger to it: danger meaning Google might give the competitor money instead of Mozilla.

Don’t donate money to Mozilla they don’t deserve it, much less need it after getting 500M from Google every year.

Honestly thought they were talking about the airplane until I saw the magazine. Never heard of the game. I imagine it wasn’t successful?

Phones were always banned in my classes. I don’t know why anybody expected smartphones to be allowed.

If even during an activity where concentration isn’t necessary they can distract, just ban them. The cinema is a good example they are bright, somebody always forgets to turn off the sound, and while you look up who that actor is or whatever, you miss part of the movie. In school, even if you decided to look something up related to what the teacher is saying, you’d lose track of what they were saying while looking it up.