Also, whether or not all publishers are all extorting devs is up to the courts to decide. To be fair, they probably thought a class action lawsuit was better because the original lawsuit was for a publisher which was as bad as you say. All I ever said was I’m okay with the case to continue because of my thoughts that none of you hive minders really could disprove.
I made a tool that migrates from one DB format to another. Then another format was introduced. Of course I reused the assets from the tool to expand the tool to migrate to the new DB format. But then I know more of what can go wrong with the tool, so even then testing took longer, but the tool ran cleaner.
There are a lot of things the game won’t tell you. If you’re lost on a quest, even in the expedition, remember you can select the quest on the tab (expedition or quest tab) so that it gives you markers. You will need it for the mechanical fauna quest. Good luck out there. It does get repetitive eventually but hopefully you find something you like to do.
There are two ways to do it now. You can start an expedition with your current save, or start an expedition with a fresh save. If you have an existing save and you have access to the Space Anomaly already (it doesn’t take much to get to this point), I’d recommend to do it from the existing save. Eventually, towards the end, remember to end the expedition with the reward ship selected as your active, so you have a chance to customize it when you continue with the current save.
Even Morrowind was a simplified version of Daggerfall, even though it was groundbreaking when it was released. They decided that the direction to take was to simplify the mechanics progressively, to make the series more appealing to more people, as opposed to adding interesting complications back as their tech develops. They succeeded in their mantra of “keep it simple, stupid”. I don’t have any hope that the next game will be more interesting. It will look prettier, of course.
It’s been years but Daggerfall to me feels like the ideal RPG. They did make it a point to make simpler games after Daggerfall. Beginning with Morrowind, the magic categories slowly got reduced, the skills were intentionally consolidated and reduced in number. That’s the reason why the later games sold really well. Starfield still sold well despite the valid criticisms but they should have trended into more complexity for a space game. Bethesda games are the junk food of games (and sports games are Mountain Dew or something).
Subscription fee? Is this true? Do they have a PC Game Pass service now?