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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


People who have studied game theory will know that a corporation’s bad behavior needs to be met with bad behavior, or they will simply keep taking advantage of consumers. Low level employees are innocent, but executives are willingly making bad decisions with the sole interest of lining their pockets.

Edit Lol I guess instead of learning basic game theory you can just downvote and continue your ignorance. Surely that won’t make the problem worse.

Ernest Cline is a sellout who got lucky piggybacking off the success of popular franchises. I’ve seen high schoolers write better than that guy.

Gosh, I pray they’re not using Photoshop as well! Won’t someone think of the children??

The previous Halo games prioritized features over microtransactions. There are tons of articles lamenting all the things left out of Halo Infinite e.g. https://screenrant.com/halo-infinite-launch-missing-features-forge-coop-multiplayer/

I see you were too young to have played previous Halo titles and so you immediately downvoted without giving a response. I’m sorry you’re too ignorant to realize what they stole from you.

Halo Infinite’s problem isn’t that there’s a store where you can buy cosmetic items. It’s that the game was built AROUND the store. Cosmetics took a priority over gameplay, features, etc.

The SEC should unironically take a look at Riccitiello and their c-suite, but they won’t.

Corporate playbook:

When the company does well: Reward leadership by giving all the profits to the executives and shareholders.

When the company fails: Give the CEO a golden parachute and layoff the peasants.

Stupid metric by some rich asshole who is solely focused on making more money.

Starfield has too many loading screens to be fun. I have the game on an SSD, but it’s still way too much.

Halo Infinite has always been a blatant cash grab. A game designed around a store. I have a hard time understanding why Halo fans play it rather than Halo MCC.

Best way of designing intimacy in games?

Give both intimacy options names like Angel and Skye. Give the player no indication which one is male or female.

I just upvoted every Steam review highlighting the company’s shitty practices. Thanks for the heads up!

Downvote Musk spam.

The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring him and his businesses stay in the headlines every day. Don’t be a useful idiot.

Those are all games I install from APK & play on my phone. What the fuck are you on about?

Literally every single day we have idiots doing Musk’s PR work for free.

Downvote Musk spam. The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle.

Here are 10 reasons why people with journalism degrees have no journalistic integrity.

You can make these AI bots say pretty much whatever you want with a little know-how. This isn’t news. This is clickbait.

It’s “live action” because they used actual humans. Though there’s enough greenscreen / VFX to be a marvel movie.