• 5 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 28, 2022

How much fun was the RE:4 remake?
Just finished it up - really enjoyed it, doesn't take itself too seriously or punishes the player with difficulty. Definitely didn't drag as much as the original. The french dwarf dude wasnt as annoying. Will have to replay the original to see what was cut. Curious as to what others thought.

For me I loved Dragon Age 2 beacuse I came from Mass Effect and the streamlined effect totally felt like an ME game to me. Also loved the idea of setting things in one city it was something different. Totally get why people don’t like it tho.

Sad to hear but probably good to cut losses - Reminded me of an old Post from earlier. Props to anyone who can make it work.

Sad. I was thinking the buyout was more about owning ip e.g halo, fallout tv shows than the devs. I guess in ms world any other studio can take over game development.

Apparently Rostelecom owned about 45% when the Ukraine war happened. Jolla were trying to get out of this arrangement which took some time,.

Just finished playing this for the first time. Loved it wished there were more in world missions to do as I enjoyed the city.

Will be interested to check out Callisto - didn’t set the world on fire, but then again I really enjoyed days gone when it came to ps+

Not really excited vey the selection they’ve put up esp combined with an incoming price bump.

Learning new things - thanks

It’s a fun game and a good story. I found exploration outside the main story a little lacking but the creatures world realisation and the main character were fantastic.

Yes go for it. There is obv some history between characters, but the story is pretty self contained.

Actually yes! Days Gone took me 3 reinstalls to get into it. I think I just pushed through the start. I ended up enjoying it I dont know why it got all the bad press.

#9 here on the GameCube. Came with oot which was great to checkout.

I think all the metal gears hold up to replayability. I even gave MGS2 a playthough, love that game. Revengance is in the same boat.

Dying Light
Just playing through Dying Light again it’s a good solid B+ title. But what pushes it to great and easy to recommend is the Following DLC which, instead of being more city-bound parkour based gameplay it throws you into the countryside with a vehicle. Almost like a new game in itself.

It’s OTT and a lot of fun. The revengance title encapsulates it perfectly. Just looks a little blurry on the ol PS3.

For some reason I got my back up about not being able to download a streaming video from a site. I didn't need the video, but this guide was useful for grabbing via VLC