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Gamer, book and photography nerd, francophile // Gamer, geek des livres et de la photographie, francophile

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I might make the plunge soon as my desktop is just slightly too old—but, at the same time, I need Windows for a few things for work so it’s a little frustrating 🫠

Gaming wise I’m completely able to use Linux, but I also don’t really play competitive games with anti-cheat so it is not exactly surprising.

Do you have a separate computer that you can use to do a “test run” of using Linux? If not, I would at least play around with Linux in a virtual machine before committing to the bit (and I say this as someone who has been using Linux laptop / Windows desktop for 6-7 ish years now)

It doesn’t add anything unless you have the muscle memory for the dpad movement over joystick for 8 direction input. I just find it awkward, and can’t switch directions as fast. The corner zones also feel a little off compared to the cardinal directions, but this is likely just my muscle memory hampering me and not the game itself.

I feel like my issues with it are definitely nit-picky, and I can definitely see others enjoying the game and not caring whatsoever. I guess I just find it frustrating that a $79.99 CAD remake doesn’t allow for both input methods.

For example I know my partner enjoyed playing with the joystick. And in other games like cuphead that give you the option he still played with the joystick instead of the dpad. Perhaps I’m just a little stubborn :p

About the only rationale I can think of is the joystick being better then the joycons dpad for movement, particularly when inputting two directions at once. I personally use a pro controller so I don’t personally suffer from that in games where I use dpad, but I assume most people just stuck with joycons outside of the more “hardcore” switch owners.

Disappointment with Links Awakening Remake (NSW); what could have been a great game hampered by lacklustre controls.
Recently I borrowed my partner's copy of Links Awakening for the Nintendo Switch. I understand that many people did not enjoy the remake due to the graphics but I am one of the weirdos who somewhat enjoys the cutesy round graphics with the intense depth of field / forced perspective look. From a pure graphical standpoint I think this is a really good way of remaking a top down GB / GBC game for a new platform. I similarly enjoyed Pokémon Alpha Sapphire's graphics despite many others not enjoying them. I think this has to be one of the most frustrating remakes I have played in recent history, solely for the inability to use the dpad for 8 direction movement. I am not against the remake using the joystick for movement, for example the aforementioned Pokémon game alows for the circle pad and the dpad to be used (for 360 degree movement and 8 direction tile based movement). My frustration with the controls in link's awakening is the forced use of the joystick with 8 direction tile based movement. What could have otherwise been an enjoyable experience is made more difficult, and leaves me wondering why I am not playing the original on my 3ds instead. I do really enjoy many of the QoL improvements in the remake, the graphics, and the music. I also appreciate having the X and Y buttons available unlike the original gameboy versions. I'm still going to power through it, but sadly the GBC version is going to be the definitive version for me despite this version coming so close for me.

I got a used copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for switch, I know I’m very late to the party on this one but I am enjoying it a lot.

It is the first game however where I’ve had my switch fully crash, I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised since it is a Bethesda title.

I’ve been spending a bunch of the time reading the random lore books in the game, the world building is definitely the main draw for me over the gameplay. Gameplay isn’t my favourite but I am enjoying it still, I feel some more contemporary RPGs have definitely spoiled me in some ways.

I am happy that the FTC is trying to act in the best interest of consumers, in recent history the FTC and similar entities worldwide have failed to stop anti-consumer behaviour and it’s refreshing to see them actually doing this.

I don’t think a phone needs to be 100% waterproof to 50 metres, but some amount of water-resistance is just good product design. Companies should not be encouraging people to dunk their phones in water, I think IP ratings sadly encourage this as well as some of the advertising around their water resistance claims.

But having some amount of water resistance built into electronics helps reduce e-waste because accidents do happen. For more serious water activities people should be buying waterproof bags for their electronics.

Do you still have an old android phone sitting in a drawer somewhere? Perhaps giving the child this with parental controls might be a useful solution. My rationale

  1. You can still use an app such as Signal or WhatsApp to communicate with them
  2. You can also use “find my device” (relevant android police article on this topic)
  3. This is cheaper than buying even a cheap dumb phone since you already own the device, and you can argue better for the environment since you’re re-using something instead of creating more e-waste
  4. Particularly if the Android phone is still updated, it is more secure than a dumb phone these days.

My old Galaxy S5 was water resistant (IP67, 30min/1 metre submerged)

The rear cover had a gasket to prevent water entering the motherboard, micro sd, battery, sim etc.

I have! Particularly so I can play Majora’s mask with this as well as some Pokémon romhacks among other things.

Both of these seem really interesting!

Android Auto alternatives
cross-posted from: > I am just curious what the state of android auto alternatives are at this point. > > As much as I would like to use GrapheneOS I would find it quite hard to part with Android Auto / Apple CarPlay. I am not expecting Android Auto to be one of the apps to be available in sandboxed gapps, but I would like to see a viable alternative that is better than using OsmAnd with my phone mounted to the dashboard.

Well in the case of Alpha Saphire that was around the time Nintendo was giving up on 3d a bit, it only works in battles, evolutions, and I think the Pokedex. Ocarina of Time 3d had 3d everywhere but I don’t really use it.

I think it’s a really interesting piece of tech, but they needed to launch the original 3ds with the improvements that the “new” 3ds had to the 3d. They used some type of face tracking on the “new” 3ds so the 3d functioned regardless of distance or angle.

My favourite implementation of the 3d has to be in Super Mario 3d land, that is definitely a game I could play with it on.

If your concern is solely with Daniel Micay’s behaviour he has in fact stepped down from the project as can bee seen in the following Nitter link provided. Otherwise I think debloating a stock rom is a good option for many people!

I have been playing Ocarina of Time 3d as well as Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, the 3ds is really a great console. Given the new update I have also been getting back into Minecraft, it is a small update but I do enjoy many of the little things that were added and it is a great excuse to spend some time with friends.