Federation of a service is confusing because it is a difficult problem to conceptualize. There’s no way to easily explain how to use federated services to non techies.
For me? That’s fine. I can use federated stuff.
For my mom? Nope. But she needs to get off the internet in general so that’s probably a bad example.
A heads up display that could overlay useful information onto the world around you would be amazing.
The problem is that the apple vision is huge and bulky. They need to shrink it down to the size of big nerd eyeglasses. Microsoft did the same thing with their whatever it was called. I played with it a few times at different tech demos. It was garbage from the start because it was heavy, uncomfortable, and the refresh rate was intolerably slow. Apple’s is a slight improvement in a few categories but it still completely misses the point of what AR should be.
Once you get the hang of it, you can win like 95% of the games.
In the first ten levels, starve yourself and only eat at 30% hp.
Use corners and other obstacles to your advantage to get sneak-attacks.
Don’t equip any unidentified equipment if possible - especially if it is suspiciously high level for the area. It is probably cursed.
Save up your upgrade scrolls until you find some tier 4 or 5 weapons and armor. If you’re a mage, just dump them in your wand of fire from lvl 1 with no regrets.
Learn how the bosses attack. The slime hits really hard after charging, so figure out how to dodge or get out of range.
I had a few come over and I was already in the market for solar so I entertained them for a minute. I told them “OK, give me some invoices for your other customers so I know what you charge. Black out the names, I dont care - I just want the prices of your services and materials”. These idiots would not stop calling me or coming over to my house for months. I kept telling them “Unless you give me actual, real world dollar amounts, I won’t consider it”.
Those solar sales guys are worse than used car salesmen.
I don’t see anyone mentioning it, but TVs differ from Monitors in one major way: the pixel representation on the TV is downsampled. This affects the rendering of text on the screen, but it is usually just the red channels that do this, so the human eye doesn’t pick up on it terribly well in most cases.
Personally, I can tell with Windows font rendering on a TV. Windows already uses that weird blue-red shift thingy to anti-alias the fonts and I don’t like that either.
All that said… does it matter? No, not at a distance and with the font size jacked up to 200%.
… I actually wonder if the graphics cards could multiplex across multiple dp to a single display.