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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Whether it’s 50% or 200% it’s pointless if the avg FPS can’t even reach the bare minimum of 30.

To be fair so far I had just positive experience when asking about issues here on Lemmy… Don’t know about other places though.

In my experience it’s both cheap shitty headset and expensive shitty headset. The arguments is always wireless + mic so people go and spend ridiculous money on something that can be done better with a cheap good headphones like the Koss + dedicated mic that may not be as convenient to use but will sound much better.

Still, good sound design may be enjoyed on a shitty headset, it’s just that good audio can add more to gameplay than just graphics. Like for example walking in the main HUB area in Starfield is like soul numbingly hilarious… it does not feel alive at all even when you see NPCs walking around all the time.

One sale just ended and there’s another… Where am I supposed to get time to play when I’m busy buying them?

“Remember the Nutella” - AoE II Malian Villager

The issue is not that the games performance requirements at reasonable graphics settings is absolutely destroying modern HW. The issue is that once you set the game to low settings it still performs like shit while looking worse than a 10y old games

If they don’t want me to buy them then why should I buy them now instead of borrowing them for free for unspecified amount of time from the Internet?

I don’t remember ever being so unexcider about any GPU or CPU HW release for gaming.

New CPUs are hardly worth upgrading to from 5800X3D and my 2nd hand 6800 XT that I got 2y ago for €400 and overclocks like crazy (20% on air cooling) is still so damn good that new cards which match that lvl of performanve are still like €500-€600… So if 8000 series will actually be cheaper it may finally match my 6800 XT with €/performance… Wow! It only took several years!

I’ve bought the game after Patch 7 and then refunded it as it was still really bad. I doubt the performance improved by much since then

Operation Flashpoint had IMO one of the best campaigns

Indeed there are plenty of games with way more bugs than this one but bugs themselves are not the issue.

Skyrim had and still has many bugs but despite all that it’s a good game.

This game will remain bad even if you’ll fix all bugs.

I don’t like it. I think going from slightly slower vs 7800X3D at just 65W TDP is much better than doubling that just to match it or slightly beat it… And at the end of the day it will be the 9800X3D that’s supposed to compete with 7800X3D anyways.

To be fair the Part 1 port is fairly good now but the release was quite janky… But I haven’t bought it until it went on sale anyways so…

Price it $499 and I’ll still wait until it’s on sale for less than $10.

I love MP but I can’t bring myself to play due to how incredibly obnoxious it became.

Flick stick + Gyro is imo better on the SC but it also has a longer learning curve

I prefer this. I’ve been annoyed by having to go to the settings every time I wanted to swap device I want to connect to. I rarely turn off BT anyways.

I’ve bought Witch Spring R to play on Steam Deck while I do memory OC and testing on my PC

I was not aware this existed. Thanks for pointing it out! Added to wish list and waiting for sale :D

Exactly, we need either around 25% more perf at lower power or 50% at the same power otherwise there’s no point.

I don’t use case. Just protective glass. 5 years without issues. I also handle the phone in anti-cut gloves… No visible marks of wear from it.

See. It’s easier to use but of an axe to hammer the nails rather than to use the handle of saw to hammer the nails. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

Yes. But what if most people in your team suck at using saw?

  • I’ve built this table with a saw and it’s level

  • I’ve built this table with an axe and it’s not level

Does that mean that saw is superior to making tables? No, I just suck with an axe and it was far easier to chop the wood than saw it.


I’ll go ask Dutch if I make negative amount of money if I’m supposed to take 50% from the camp funds