• 5 Posts
Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Aug 23, 2024


I’m not big into airframes but i think it’s a dieing artform making these jets. Some drone strapped to a pulse rocket will eventually make them all obsolete.

The same can be said for small arms I guess.

Back in the day when i was forced to use Comcast (xfinity), you would be charged out the ass monthly if you used Comcast’s equipment (modem/router).

Now… to use Comcast’s highest speed plan, their customers are forced to use their equipment. Don’t worry, no rental fee.

Now if you understand Comcast like I do… this is a ultragigagigantic red flag. They would never in a trillion billion years ever do something for free when they could charge you.

I bet right now youre wondering “What is the catch?”. Well Comcast offers a cheap $10 a month internet plan. Sounds great right? Except the people on this plan leech off of the connection of those who pay Comcast their blood money for their highest tier plan using the equipment they force their high speed customers to use. You would be literally paying Comcast to host their other customers internet.


Give it a year, Epic Games Stores exclusivity always runs out eventually.

Are they putting the highest difficulty setting behind a DLC again like with vermintide?

Pirates VS Vikings VS Knights

Its been a while since i played. Probably dead these days. Back in the day everyone memed they were gonna add ninjas one day.

Search for ubisoft in steams store page, click the gear on the right hand side, click ignore to take out the trash.

There had always been more then one lifetimes worth of stuff to do. Be picky

Oh no the corporations can’t afford to host! Guess we will have to create the tools to self host our own shit then.

Prison slaves in the woods fighting a California wildfire. MERICA!

Sex work is real dignified work.

Not like those degenerate landlords. Get a job and contribute you fucking leeches!

Even with GoG, you still pay for a license. Yes it’s better because you can get all the files for another install, but if you don’t own it why pay for it?

If a game is no longer supported, it should be released into the public domain with tools for self hosting.

Book burning is so 20th century, we just delete them now.

Thrid best you can do is start archiving pirated romsets to privately preserve gaming history, blemishes and all, so we get to keep having this argument when the next generation of gamers are out there claiming that Fortnite used to be cool when it was free and had a bunch of games in there instead of requiring you to sign off your DNA to be cloned for offplanet labor or whatever this is heading towards

Got time for a short story?


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Just be sure to switch your A and D keys from rotate to strafe

Play the 1st and 2nd GTA games for free.

Minetest - I think they might have changed the name of this game recently, not sure.

STALKER gamma mod pack

STALKER 2 comes out soon by the way

Play the 2nd elder scrolls game for free!

Map is as big as europe! It’s been ported to unity and it looks a ton better then the OG version. There are yet more graphic overhaul mods you can add like this guy did

I like everything about the content other then when he stands around with a microphone. I usually turn the video off when that comes up.

If I can’t own it, you shouldn’t get anything from me.

Although I did buy the factorio DLC. They earned it.

There was a big convention recently where they dropped details and a demo.

AI media enjoyers are looking to get your clicks!

1.0 just came out and now I’m getting blindsided by a Factorio DLC? GG my sleep schedule!

So a game that was not mythology themed having a mythology themed DLC?

If only we dissolved all nation states and lived in communes that best reflect everyones individual values.

Mine would have nukes, because I will never trust humanity, no matter how good things get.

This isn’t about what steam currently is. It’s about what it will inevitably become.

I fucked up going with Steam. Should have just pirated everything Single player.

Why are we letting algorithms rewrite the rules of art, work, and life?


Have fun ubisoft, I will never notice. I ignored every game made by them by searching for them in the steam store.

On the right hand side there is a gear. Click ignore to take out the trash.