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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Lol this is the most expensive game I have in my wishlist, and I bet it won’t be good until it gets an expansion.

Bro long ago I saw a friend running crysis on those old 7" mini laptop, everything at low with decent performance. Imagine that.

Drama now is compatibility.

That’s not review bombing, that’s just leaving a negative review because the experience has turned negative.

What a stupid argument lol. Was this made by a 12yo?

“That’s not showering, that’s just you getting wet with tiny droplets of water”

How to ignore a thread about games in two steps

video game journalist


The game can’t be preloaded. This was answered by the devs. Those 140gb are the entire game.

Too many hype news is an ill omen. And also I bet they imported some parts of the xray engine code (like npc behavior) so I’m expecting a lot of performance issues.

This is a “they are hoarding all the profits” “they’re not open to stock exchange” “why I can’t have a piece if this cake, it’s unfair” kind of news.

Pure pressure politics.

Story is the only problem, classes and content are fine. It just feels like is a secondary irrelevant quest with a lot of filler, using checklist to define certain characters. If I knew beforehand, I would had skipped several if not most of the cutscenes. There is a 30s cutscene of your WoL waking up and walking out the inn. Filler is all over the place.

First time for the WoL not being the main character. But is not only that, you’re useless most of the time. The only thing you do is watching another character learn over and over the exact same lessons we learned as a WoL countless times in other expansions. Shit gets pretty boring.

Then mod it and play it. If you think you don’t deserve to have fun then do something about it.

So which one really is it

  • dropping it for backlash
  • too expensive to be done
  • actually implementing it but keeping it shush for PR

Well Discord now is more than an app for voice chat, it’s a social network on its own, with its own trackers and privacy issues (without mentioning ads). Difference is discord I not asking companies to pay for their API.

Lol Just like that episode when Tom Cruise was trapped in the closet

So I will be playing an incomplete (and probably bloated) game on a console I may not have, a sequel to a first part I may have not liked (aren’t you glad multiverses exists in fiction?)

More like how many believe their own stupid head-canon without reading or confirming shit.

All of OP posts coincide with that blog. Another user for the blacklist.

I wonder if now they have enough money to refund me the 40usd I spended back then on their kickstarter, when I still believed I could get the next Privateer/Freelancer.

Call it an unintended scam, just like Peter Molyneux.

Bro, it’s a Corporation. Just when you trust them they WILL stab you in the back.

They WILL fuck up Mass Effect 4 somehow.

The PS5 is selling as well as the ps4 did, despite shortage and worse economy for most people. Many people don’t want to go from sitting in front of their computer at work to sit in front of a another computer at home. A console is a much more streamlined and casual experience. You don’t have to mess around with 5 different storefronts and a hundred different launchers. You don’t have to worry about the specs of your computer, rising GPU prices, driver issues or half a dozen issues due to bad PC ports. For those sensitive to stutters, the jedi games and a bunch 2023 PC ports are still unplayable.

Never said there will be less PS5. I even said they still have their player base, but new platforms are appearing, introducing frequently new players, and a giant cake (money) to split.

I also specifically mentioned Steam and the Steam Deck, which is both mobile and “couch” console, like the switch. Thanks to THAT, PC is now streamlined and casual. Just buy that and play games. You don’t have to mess with anything, just have your steam games, if you don’t have them already. For your other point, bad ports are everywhere, but they also depend on who makes that port and how much costs the port. Less player base, less money and time invested, which also will reflect on the quality.

The mobile market is an almost entirely different demographic and much of that revenue comes as disguised gambling. Mobile gaming market won’t replace the traditional console market, it’s a completely different experience.

Sure, it doesn’t mean they aren’t intertwined. There still are popular games and lots of players, and players come and go in between consoles/PC constantly. New games are always emerging. Popular games also try to catch players in these platforms with their mobile options. This is where the money is. Sony also wants that cake, but right now can’t have it, because they don’t have a mobile platform.

Nintendos will continue as long as there are children out there. Nintendo offers a “safe” and curated market for children, both old and young.

Yes, but it will depend on the next console, Nintendo doesn’t have anymore the monopoly on mobile consoles. Nintendo in the past had bad consoles with the same exclusives, but very poor sales. People still bought the wii u, but not everyone like the switch or the wii.

The game pass also isn’t much of a moat for Microsoft. Sony has their own offering and nothing stops them from extending it to the PC market, though highly unlikely.

But Sony needs you to have your console first, Microsoft doesn’t. Even more. every machine with windows 11 is a potential new players, indifferent of their machines. There is all kind of games. Overall they have more players, since they are mixing themselves with PC.

I just don’t see the market of gaming on your couch going away. Many people value the simplicity of consoles, and PlayStation is the big name on the market.

Never said it would. But I bet my ass someone random would prefer playing on their couch/PC and continue playing exactly the same game with the same savefile while going out. You could do that only with Nintendo before, but their games are always expensive. PS5 can’t do this. PC, since 2 years ago, can now included with other features that Steam had before. The same cheap games you got before on steam.

Ok let me explain. Thanks to Valve, SteamOS, the Steam Deck, and partly to xbox and windows11, the balance on “what gaming product to have” shifted. Suddenly:

  • All your games available on PC could be also available on a mobile platform. The same games from 3 console gens ago.
  • Your games could also be available in your living room, like a console or with a Steam Deck docking accessory (Also with Streaming from other locations in your home).
  • There is lots of VR options included, all compatible with the same software.
  • It’s still free to use their platform, no extra online subscription.
  • You can use any controller you wish. And with any I mean every controller from every console or third party.

The Console market already has these features, but not all of them. Before, players had the preference on buying consoles for their easiness of use. Now it’s easy to use a PC for that. Steam machines never took off, but thanks to the Deck, it exists both for mobile and for your TV. Most of their catalog is available.

Xbox already shifted to a mix console-PC, betting all on their game pass and to have cross-play exclusives on both platforms. Crazily enough, thanks to Microsoft forcing the update to win11, Xbox is included automagically. More new players just by virtue of accessibility. And with game pass subscription (which is pretty much the norm these days with streaming subs), I don’t think their market is small. Their console now is an accessory.

Apple and Google also now are the biggest platforms for mobile games available. Lots and lots of new players that the Consoles can’t touch. It’s too cheap and accessible for consumers. Still, it’s funny most of the hardcore phone gamers play these games on their PCs with emulation. Better screen and controllers.

Nintendo still has their very iconic and popular exclusives, a mobile and living room platform to publish. And their games are always expensive as fuck. No VR, but we’ll see with the next Switch (they always work with gimmicks). Sadly for them, most of their recently released games could be played with emulators. “Illegal”, but easily possible.

Other factors like popular online games also exists. For years kids have been played cheap or free games with mods (like old gta san andreas and now gta5) to make their fun. Minecraft still is awfully popular. PUBG and DayZ like games had their origins on PC. Stupid bad early access cheap games are also available on PC first. These players will probably upgrade their experience on these games before buying a console.

Sony. Now, their only move has been publishing some games PC. Very important games. Which they got their sales. But these days, consoles feel like a niche market. Their player base hasn’t changed, but now there is more players than ever. Too many competitive actions from xbox and steam, and also the mobile market continues growing.

So unless Sony and Nintendo next consoles can at least compete with a mobile device and keeping all of their other features, I find hard to believe that they would be able to keep their player base. Fans will be still there tho, still lots of players.

Other gaming companies also see this. They will prefer less publishing with Sony because the rest of the market has much more consumers. Ports will be cheaper.

Unless they shift somehow, it will be slow death by a thousand cuts. Their latest move is a good move for now.

tl;dr: PC has too many new market shifting features in recent years, aside for the ones that already existing. Consoles probably won’t be able to keep up with changes unless they shift. Like xbox did.

And after that? when the PS5 console cycle is over?

Their PC competition has mobile devices, VR of any kind and a easy platform to distribute games with lots of features (and almost everything is compatible between those).

So either Sony release a super console compatible with all of that (and hopefully can play PC games too), or they keep their focus only on developing games. Their consoles will slowly get consumed by the rest at the end.

Edit: even Nintendo is screwed since you can emulate almost all their Switch titles on PC and the Deck, and sometimes it runs better.

They NEED to put more effort in PC. Right now is not much of a choice.

The Steam Deck did literally flip the board, and Sony had an entire year to notice it. Nintendo reacted sooner.

It’s the most* realist immersive cake you’ll ever find.

16x the detail.

I’m wondering if they will rename this version if they win GOTY.

Man, I wish Todd would invite himself just like EA did with their starwars battlefront 2 ads in the middle of the event. It would be fun to see everyone deflecting questions such as “what did you like about starfield?”

No comments until it’s released. I just hope it doesn’t take more than a year.