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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Oct 03, 2024


I believe them and will definitely get the game eventually, cyberpunk 2077 is one of my favorite games and I’m excited for a sequel. However I will wait a few weeks after it comes out before buying it lol

I sounds like a joke, but they’ve had the cycle of
1: release controversial change to get more money
2: get protests/boycotts of people stopping their membership (subscription)
3: make an ‘agreement’ that still gets them more money but is mild enough that protests won’t meaningfully continue
4: wait a few months for people to cool off
5: repeat

I think this ‘cycle’ was a lot more violent this time because it was made by a parent company rather than Jagex themselves.

Along a laundry list of bad companies there’s runescape fucking RUNESCAPE of all games!

So that has been fixed for over a decade.

they fixed that, but if you are connected to WiFi that blocks steam it will refuse to launch your games even after you disconnect from the WiFi. I think this is to prevent piracy I guess??

I needed a software that I bought on steam for schoolwork and I couldn’t use it because steam was having a panic attack over my schools wifi. Inst of preventing piracy I went and pirated the software to not have that issue LOL

you need 2 spaces and 2 enters after the first line to make it separate from the quote:



(yeah I know, formatting is really dumb)

for the 10 year anniversary you should give it a cake

I looked into that. I’m wanting to play online levels and there’s no way as far as I know to do that with emulation :/
I appreciate the recommendation though :)

sounds like a good time to use my mom’s now unused switch and buy a used Mario Maker 2 cartridge. Been watching YouTube videos about it and kinda wanna try.

Ok so I tried to go onto the Facebook website to use Facebook marketplace to get a cartridge but apparently it got hacked somehow because it’s my email, but it’s not my name and it got banned in October LMAO
Id have to upload photo proof of my face, so guess I’ll just keep not using Facebook.

Looks like they’re ~30 bucks on eBay though.

Oh yeah? well I’m doing seventy thousand and ONE steam players a night. Take that, CyberFlunk.

I really hope Gabe doesn’t die right now because we are SO CLOSE to having a mainstream windows competitor.
The users-&-software feedback loop snowball is about to go down a mountain and I am so here for it.

I’m using the Android that came with my device using a Pixel 8, thanks for the reply and if there’s any information that would help let me know :)

Looks amazing! I’m excited to try it in the future :)

However I did encounter an issue trying to apply for beta access:
On the application page where you type in all the words using Firefox on Mobile I was able to switch the tab to a different one, but was unable to switch it back without force closing and reopening the browser. I’ve never had this issue with any other website so I doubt it’s an issue with the browser itself (however is still definitely possible).

It did work on my 2nd attempt, but I figured I should let you know incase there’s anything you could do about it for the extremely small percentage of Firefox mobile users lol

I like how they gave Lena Raine credit for specifically Celeste 64, the 8bit minigame INSIDE of the game, instead of the game itself lol

I submitted a bug report that got a typo fixed on a Minecraft mod with 20 million downloads, where’s my headline? :(

IIRC there’s rumors they’re working on terraria 2 (or just a different new game entirely) due to the fact that they are hiring some employees that wouldn’t be very useful for terraria 1. Also I believe there has been some twitter hints or something.

For the modern versions mostly. 1.8.9 has pvp and minigames where cheating is more similar to cheating in a FPS kinda game where it actually harms people. Also during the $1 sale Minecraft was in the middle of a population boom (iirc due to Dream getting popular) so the moderation was overwhelmed. Here’s an example of what cheating looks like

this was horrible for the v1.8.9 Minecraft scene (obscure I know). Cheaters could pay $1 to make an account, cheat on it till they got banned, then refund the dollar and make a new account with the same $1.
Now anticheats are better than they were a few years ago but still, essentially free accounts to cheat on isn’t helping.

the only way it should fold is like a DS, with a bezel and dedicated joints. Foldable screens won’t work in the long term when you see how much abuse the average Nintendo Switch has been through

Here’s a link to the game, self proclaimed “Most BASED game of all times!!!” and is Overwhelmingly Positive. Only $5 rn too

I know this is probably isn’t true but it’s my head cannon that they’re just really afraid to put out a “state of the game [month]” posts without anything in it

spigen is what I have on my Pixel 8, dropped it several times and never broke or anything.

wizard and blast spells all day.

Runescape flashbacks

I do. Not for like spreadsheeting my spending/saving but just checking if something went through, sure.

damn that’s dedication! I’m not sure if I could give that streak up.