Emulators are where it’s at on Android, at least for me. There’s a handful of good native android games but you can play so so many fantastic old games using emulators.
Here’s a thorough guide on setting it up:
And a link for ROMS collections:
It seems like a lot to take in just to play some games but I promise it’s easier than it looks to get up and running.
Do a lot of slurs have a wikipedia page?
The practical reason people use balanced jacks is because they push more power which allows you to use headphones with lower sensitivity. I have a few pairs myself that would benefit from this, they have relatively low ohm ratings so the high impedance setting on my V60 doesn’t get triggered when I plug them in and they are very quiet.
Retro Game Corps has some great tutorials on setting up retroarch.
I also recommend Daijisho as a front end for browsing and launching if you have multiple emulators.
The ones using rootkit drm stuff probably :/