I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.
Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.
I didn’t even bother to install 3rd party launcher on my current device. I had been using Nova ever since I got my first android device.
I used to be super excited about new device releases but I’ve lost nearly all my interest in smartphone technology. LG V10/V20 was peak smartphone in my opinion and they’ve been just gotting more and more boring since. My current one most resembles that of some old granny except for the lack of bloatware. I could barely be bothered to look for a new wallpaper.
It’s crazy how well that game holds up even today. Also quite hilarious how completely different my playing style is today than when I was 12. I had no clue about how to counter specific units, build order or even luring the boars. I’d absolutely wipe floor with my past self even with the medicore skills I have at it now.
Conspiracy theorists are people who believe wild, baseless information, whose only sources are other people who believe wild, baseless information.
Like that Elon Musk is personally responsible for kicking Yulia Navalnaya off Twitter only then to restore her account an hour later and that he’s doing this because he’s a Russian puppet?
There’s plenty of legitimate reasons to not like the guy but what I’m seeing here is a hate cult. The above claim about him is literally wild, baseless information and its source is other people who believe in said wild baseless information. When challenged the response is either complete silence and flood of downvotes or misinformation about him turning off starlink to prevent Ukrainian attack on Crimea.
I use browser for no ads. Applies to many others too. I avoid downloading apps as far as possible.