• 8 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Siralim ultimate

Pillars of eternity

Deep rock galactic


Invisible Inc


Loop Hero

The quality of life changes look cool

Even fun with randoms tbh, everyone’s so friendly

I like Eurogamer for general news. Some other good ones:

https://adrianhon.substack.com/feed (game recommendations) https://buried-treasure.org/feed/ (hidden gems) https://analogue.gg/rss.xml (weekly link roundups) https://indiehellzone.com/feed/ (indie games)

Impressive, I tried on steam deck once but it felt a lot clunkier than mouse and keyboard for this

GameCube has nice Vs multiplayer, not really much co op though

It’s not as good as my old reddit app, but I’m liking Jerboa

Good gaming blogs/RSS feeds?
I'm looking for good video game blogs to follow via RSS. One I found recently that I'm liking is https://www.blog.radiator.debacle.us/?m=1

Betrayal is a little more stressful, and plays more like an adventure game than a mystery. It has a fun dice system inspired by table top games, and I’ve never played anything quite like it, so I’d recommend it if your looking for a fresh experience (which is the same reason I liked Strange Horticulture).

I recently bought strange horticulture on sale, had a lot of fun with it.

Maybe it will go on sale, but Betrayal at Club Low is also very cool, and already cheap.