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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 26, 2023


And don’t skip the ad nine minutes in, it’s hilarious.

The TLDR is that the founder is a nervous introverted nerd, so even though it looks like it, he wasn’t intentionally lying when he mentioned things that were going to be in the game. Even taking the interviews into account, what really drove the hype train was the price tag and collector’s edition.

Yes we all now know that they are “the good guys” because they went back and added a bunch of free stuff to the game. But unfortunately this type of integrity should never be expected in the future, especially from a publicly traded studio who is legally obligated to do what is profitable (which probably means taking the money and running, or adding micro transactions or other things).

A great comeback story, for sure. And I hope their integrity continues. But keep in mind that Blizzard, Rockstar, and even CDProjektRed have all “fallen”.

My opinion is more nuanced than that and if you don’t see it, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s because you are facing a literal existential crisis because half the American government wants you dead. It’s very easy to lash out and take extreme stances when backed into a comer like this - it’s part of why I urged you to pick better battles so that you don’t alienate your allies.

I was pretty clear about Rowling being a piece of shit.

Do you pay taxes? Guess you love Nazis. Pieces of shit are everywhere and it’s not possible to boycott them all. Yes, this game is a luxury. Yes, you can still be a good person if you buy it.

Given Rowling’s existing wealth and influence I think the world is better off with the game than without it. It’s not like this marginal increase in money will allow her to create a disproportionate amount of hate she is not already doing. You are why people make fun of cancel culture. If you want allyship you should pick better battles. It’s possible to be intolerant of intolerance and still purchase this game.

And I say this as someone who never liked Harry Potter and thought the game was average (way too easy except for the very last boss fight).

My point was related to people that like the art, since there’s much less incentive to buy the game if you don’t like the world it’s build from.

Rowling didn’t create the game, dude. She just gets a cut of the money. You think everyone in the dev team feels that way? Are we just supposed to not get a game set in a beloved universe because the person who owns the IP is a piece of shit?

At this stage it might even be too crazy to say that she’s so rich that the money she’s getting from this game is a drop in the bucket and has no practical negative impact on society. She will have the same influence with or without it, so might as well buy the game.

Fifty bucks a year is not bad considering you get thirty years worth of crosswords, too.

I’m referencing an even earlier version that was so old it was on mainframes 😜


That being said I do like the Wordly app cuz you can customize the length of the words, and some other tweaks.

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