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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2023


I only ever bought RDR2 from them, which is still bringing me a lot of enjoyment, and after seeing how they squandered RDR online for the heinous crime of not printing money fast enough, I don’t think I’ll be buying anything from them for the foreseeable future.

Conversely, lack of proper management is also an issue on a lot of videogames projects. Probably has never happened at Ubisoft but I’ve seen it firsthand in small studios

This is why I carry 2 Dane axes. One to throw at archers, one to fight

I found a fatal flaw : it’s an extremely invasive kernel-level anticheat.

I’ll take my payment in euros, thanks.

That was the one thing they didn’t fuck up. Ironically I remember them breaking that system a bit with a recent update (maybe they fixed it since, I have not played it for a while now)

BFV was ok. A little starved for content but it wasn’t a bad launch imo. It could have become amazing if they actually released that eastern front update they teased for ages

Not hating on the originals but that’s not a high bar to clear. But yeah, so far I have not encountered any major bug after 3+ hours so I’d say they cleared it. DLSS is fucked up though for some reason, (I can see the actual (not upscaled) frame every 4 frame or something) which is weird because it usually works pretty well out of the box in unreal.

Will do. I’m basically one decent trailer away from impulse buying it anyway. As a fellow game developer, allow me to say: I truly wish things will get better for you guys.

Bethesda has some serious issues they need to sort out with their production pipelines

That’s a strange way to spell “Todd Howard” /s

They are all bullshit, but holy fuck, how the hell were they even allowed to register the third one ?

its not normative womans, gays and trans people.

Not broad enough. When “gamers” say that something is political, what they mean is that it contains politics they disagree with. The ones you cited just happen to be the things they easily recognize because their favorite right wing grifter is raging about them 24/7.
As you also said, they usually don’t have the media literacy required to recognize more subtle political messages, which can be pretty funny. I remember when Disco Elysium was first released and they were very confused because it contains some actual, pretty deep political reflections

The old-school way, which is basically just overlaying an image with transparency over another one (in this case I also had to crop the template I found because it was the one with the 2 guys, and I used some online image editor tool but paint.net or gimp would have done the job if I had bothered to install them). I just searched “soyjack pointing template transparency PNG” in duckduckgo images search for the template.

These weapon handling animations look gorgeous. Hope they’re not faked for the trailer.

Basically me when I saw that one :

They brought that one upon themselves imo. They were privately owned for 10 years before their IPO in 2018

[solved] Record voicemail on Android 5
Hi, I'm looking for a way to record voicemails that my recently deceased grandfather sent to my grandmother. Visual voicemail is setup but it does not show the messages, so I can't just save them by sharing them with my phone. Also her SIM is not "nano" format so I can't use it in my fairphone 4 to record it from there If anyone can recommend a play store app that is not a privacy nightmare, or a way to install f droid on her phone, that would be lovely (even after enabling apks it couldn't open the f-droid apk, I assume because the API on her phone is too outdated) Edit : nevermind, I remembered that her phone carrier has a web interface with the option to download the messages as a .mp3 file. Thanks to everyone for your replies, recording through jack was also a good idea but it completely went over my head after years of using a phone with no jack

TFW I spent hours of my life debugging an issue that exclusively happens with czech/hungarian keyboard layouts and no one remembers it (to be fair the game was much more obscure than NMS)

Hmmm, okay. Added in dragonflight, apparently.

Well I guess I can finally shut up about this incredibly minor issue

Oh yeah, I actually remember that from the last time I relapsed (Legion). I was wondering if I hallucinated that workaround… But it’s still just that : a stupid workaround. It baffles me that it is seemingly impossible for them to implement a keybind that targets the nearest “interactive” npc in range

The other (not so bad) thing I don’t like about it is that…I hate those mounts. They’re HUGE and people just AFK on them blocking NPCs I want to talk to.

TFW the year is 2024 AD and blizzard still has not properly addressed this

In theory yes, in practice, as a long time sufferer of Stockholm syndrome Tarkov player (where sound is king), and occasional COD enjoyer, I can say that the level design hinges so much on their “lanes” concept that once you have some basic knowledge of the maps, and pay attention to the radar, knowing that another player in the vicinity is emitting sounds is usually enough to guess where they should be, without needing to rely on directional audio too much.

I can see it being actually important data when playing warzone though. And maybe S&D but that’s already pushing it imo.

Maybe they introduced a new bug, but last time I played that would happen because they were spending too much time hauling stuff, adding more haulers in some strategic locations usually fixed it

Because it is more data I guess ? Also probably has to use lossless compression, if it can be compressed at all. Whereas video compression algorithms are usually pretty damn lossy

Same rendering engine, same lighting, and for the vast majority of them, basically the same rendering settings (as the other person said, tweaking these can actually be quite a lot of work)

Maybe I’m doing it wrong or I’m just too shy to socialize with strangers in these games, but as someone who has fond memories of my favorite TF2/killing floor community servers, I feel like there is basically no sense of community in these games now that matchmaking is king and private hosting is a thing of the past

Are you sure about that ? I don’t know that much about these kind of dynamics because I am not a soulless capitalist ghoul, but I remember reading that Kotick actually did that kind of stuff mostly by himself and was quite good at it (which did translate into more money being made, which probably kept investors happy and cemented his position)

Oh look it’s the thing everyone said would happen way back when Activision bought Blizzard

As a professional gamedev : good. Except if they aren’t tackling similar issues in online gambling (am at work so I didn’t read the article)

Edit : read the article, they basically only mention displaying the real money equivalent when buying “premium” currency, which is only the tip of the iceberg, but also pretty easy to legislate I guess.

But just know that I’m order to set it up, you have to login with your account on their computer at some point to enable the family sharing feature

I doubt it, because I think that’s literally how it used to work

FOMO can be a bitch for some people. The fact that it is so widely exploited in tech/videogames is no coincidence

Yeah, me too, but I was on my phone

The absolute irony of clicking this link and being met by an ad for some gacha game featuring ample-chested anime characters

I often describe slay the spire’s meta progression as “a roguelike with homework”.

Dude, I have not played mortal kombat in ages but I still seethe at the mere mention of Goro

Wouldn’t it be fixed by wiping the drives and re flashing the bios ? (Or the opposite order)