Something Burger 🍔

Bun, meat, salad, tomato, onion, Cheddar.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 11, 2023


The Wii arguably has better first party games than the GC. Mario Kart Wii, Mario Galaxy, DKC Returns, New Soup, Wario Ware…

Yes they can. They cannot stop you from installing the game, but once they revoke your license, it would be piracy.

GOG shills always twist reality to try to make it conform to the “you own you games” lie, but the truth is GOG is no different than Steam.

I hope you’re paid well to spread this easily disproven lie.

We give you and other GOG users the personal right (known legally as a ‘license’) to use GOG services and to download, access and/or stream (depending on the content) and use GOG content. This license is for your personal use. We can stop or suspend this license in some situations, which are explained later on.

A free content update is coming early 2025.

Legislation to allow installing arbitrary OS and firmware on all consumer devices.

Base Android is also loaded with crap, directly from Google. Android is the worst mobile operating system, with the exception of all the others.

I do, and then they get nationalized, as all natural monopolies should.

But have you considered all those points that are addressed in the full text of the initiative that I did not read?

How do I download anything from Nexus Mods?
I want to try out Fallout New Vegas after having watched the TV show, and recommends I use a few QoL mods, in particular one for higher resolution screens (I'm playing on a 4K monitor). So I lookup "fallout mtui", end up on [the mod's page](, hit download... and am greeted with a screen telling me I need to sign up for an account. I obviously do not want to create an account on such a [shady website](, so I tried using a throwaway email... rejected (of course). I then said "fuck it" and tried registering with my real email address... also rejected. "E-mail address is not valid". Well, it is, this is my primary e-mail address, has been for more than 10 years, and I've successfully used it to register on dozens of websites, including Amazon, eBay, various banks, Steam... I found several Reddit posts about this issues, dating back to several years to a few months. Apparently, registration on Nexus Mods has been broken for very long, with no fix on the horizon. So it seems it is impossible to download anything from there. Is there a mirror somewhere? Or are all these mods no longer possible to access?

This guy’s strawman arguments have already been destroyed by plenty of people who actually know what they’re talking about and don’t have an interest in keeping the current situation.

Dolphin doesn’t emulate the Wii U and never will. The devs have explained several times that the Wii U is too different.

The subscription is only required to buy it, and only until mid January. It’s possible to use Alarmo without an active NSO subscription.

Maybe more people would be willing to use Steam competitors if they weren’t all absolute garbage.

Maybe they are counting Metroid Prime Remastered as a new release.

They can’t do anything about this. Analogue already made similar products for the NES, SNES and Game Boy.

No they have not. If they dumped their own cartridge or had the ROM somewhere in their archives, it would be identical to one downloaded from the Internet. The whole controversy happened because someone saw the iNES headers in whatever release of Super Mario Bros was new at the time. Those headers are added by all NES cartridge dumpers, and the creator of this format developed the NES emulator used by Nintendo in Animal Crossing for the GameCube.

I would. They would have been found out already if it were the case, and they already proved they can develop their own emulators.

No, that’s for all content:

and to download, access and/or stream (depending on the content) and use GOG content.

Which they define as:

1.3 Also, when we’re talking about games, in-game content, virtual items or currency or GOG videos or other content or services which you can purchase or access via GOG services, we’ll just call them “GOG games” or “GOG videos” respectively and when we talk about them all together they are “GOG content”.

2.1 We give you and other GOG users the personal right (known legally as a ‘license’) to use GOG services and to download, access and/or stream (depending on the content) and use GOG content. This license is for your personal use. We can stop or suspend this license in some situations, which are explained later on.

GOG has the same drawbacks as Steam without any of the useful features. They should cut down on their “owning games” lies and spend time improving their platform instead.

Almost nobody buys a new phone every year. And if a phone is your only computing device, buying a high end one isn’t a bad idea.

The $700 console is overpriced relative to its power and has pretty much no games.

Note: it doesn’t currently work on Steam Deck and Linux in general because of the anti cheat. UbiSoft announced they will add an offline mode, so maybe they will partially disable it later.