That’s the one thing, I really want more niche communities. Not sure if we just need more people or community discovery needs to be easier. I’d like to see more with the league of legends community and Meet Your Maker community, and I’m sure other people have niche video games or other small hobby communities they’d like to see take off more.
It definitely isn’t enough to feed the constant content addiction I had with Reddit, but I’ve found that kind of a good thing lol. I’ve started reading books and comics on my phone, getting out of bed faster, working on other projects, etc. It’s like using a less toxic version to wean off, like using vapes or patches to get off cigarettes.
I really liked monster hunting as a potions guy. I felt like a real Witcher. I’d have to track them down, read up on them, then drink potions and apply oils that would be strong against them, then finally take them out. That preparation and build up made me as immersed as a Witcher as I felt as Batman in the Arkham games.
Great talk! I’m really going to be thinking about this one for a long time. Thanks for the link!