A little googling shows the S80 has (had?) really bad drivers that caused it to be outmatched by much weaker GPUs, so the 120% number isn’t as crazy as you might first expect.
Hopefully we get more competitive GPUs in the future. On paper that’s already a pretty decent card (16 GB too!)
Love the comment in the article about godamn China wanting to take away my anime butts.
Making your character disappear when the camera is close isn’t even an uncommon thing in games. I think in the past Capcom learned the same lesson Hoyo just learned, cause in Monster Hunter this is an option you can select, but not the default.
I heard the opposite. It does changes to the art, runs like ass, had music removed and they kept cutscenes at 720p (including in engine ones). One of the Digital Foundry guys refunded it.
Maybe you’re thinking of Suda’s other game that got remastered recently, Shadows of the Damned, which does look exactly like it should, though it also doesn’t run great.
Might run into trouble with UIs as well, but the heart wants what the heart wants.