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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


I recall an interview back during the wii/ds era where someone at Nintendo was asked how they felt their online service compared to psn and xbl at the time and their response was that they had never used them.

A little old skool maybe but why not try ftp?

As a steam deck owner, the vita is the only other portable I still use regularly.

To be fair, it’s not just a steam thing. My understanding of the situation is that chromium is dropping win7 support so anything using chromium will stop working on older operating system.

Maybe it’s because I grew up with 8 and 16 bit rpgs but I despise level scaling. It really takes the enjoyment out of playing for me so I just don’t play games that have it. Some games have min and max enemy levels based on location but others keep the enemies in lock step to you and it just makes playing the game feel pointless. In either case, every game with level scaling would be better without it.

I’d argue that xcloud and gamepass are equally disruptive to the industry. In either case you don’t own the games and they are tied to a subscription. Whether the game is running locally or in remote hardware doesn’t change how it impacts development and sales of games.

Cloud based gaming is not going to replace owning hardware unless they can ensure sub 20ms response time for every and I don’t belive that target is feasible but either case is bad for gaming as a whole. Games with 100 million dollar budgets are never going to see a positive ROI on services like gamepass and are reliant on gamers being willing to pay full price at launch.

My point is that Gamepass and similar services will kill AAA games if they become the primary way people access games and that is something that is best avoided. Games need a 6-12 month buffer to hit sales targets before they are considered for subscription services, otherwise the entire business model will fall flat on its face and take gaming with it.

MS surprise launched hifi rush with zero marketing, put it on gamepass day 1 then complains it didn’t meets ales expectations and shuts down the studio that made it. Now, 48 hours later, they are saying they need more games like that.

It may not be directly referenced in the article but cloud gaming was absolutely a part of what led to the closure of tango gameworks.

I usually don’t care much for streamers but Wirtual is amazing. He’s a talented player in his own right but also does a great job explaining the nuts and bolts of the game. I’m still a mediocre trackmania player (odd since I am usually very good at racing games) but his videos have taught me a lot.

Replayed it last year and it was as good as I remembered. Windwaker is my personal favourite but LTTP is so close it might as well be a tie.

I thought $40 Canadian for phantom liberty was a lot but, after playing it, it was worth the price. Erdtree could very well give a similar experience but I’m going to wait for some reviews before I consider getting it.

I remeber enjoying the Naruto gekitou ninja taisen games on gamecube. Everything since then has been in the ultimate ninja storm arena fighter format and is garbage.

If you managed to play through reloaded, revolution will be a wall in the park. I played through it yesterday and it’s great.

I would love it if T8 could lock a solid 60fps on the deck. T7 fluctuates between 45 to 60 for me with everything set to low, not ideal for a fighting game.

T7 has performance issues on the deck for me, I’m not hopeful for 8.

Lack of net neutrality is a huge part of it. Korean ISPs bill sites like twitch for the data they use.

Strictly speaking, I’m not opposed to monetization in f2p games but the pricing is egregious.

When the le seraffim bundle for overwatch 2 dropped they also put their in game currency on sale so you could get enough currency to get the bundle for $50 instead of $70 and people were calling it a great value.

Even at $50, that’s enough for 4 months of humble choice which would net you 32 games and 6-8 of them would be AAA games.

No, that would mean it can be used on it’s own. It’s literally a dumb terminal for the ps5 and nothing more.

A little, yeah. It’s screen is 800p and the hardware was designed to target that. Older and less demanding games manage ok at 1080p or even 4k but newer AAA games are not going to get there.

And hopefully higher clocks and/or more cores when docked or on AC. I lov love my steam deck but would love it more if it could manage 1080p when docked without the performance tanking.

What controller are you using? The right stick controlled my camera just fine with a dual shock 4 in windows and on my steam deck. Control issues aside, if you aren’t a fan of racing games, this game isn’t going to change that but the demo has me very excited for the full release.

Probably crushed by falling blocks while genki rockets plays in the background.

China has spent decades building up their reputation of a place that produces cheap, inferior copies of better products and they aren’t going to shake that overnight or even in a few years.

It’s also 90 percent off on steam right now. Just grabbed it for $4.40 Canadian after tax.

I remeber playing Jedi fallen order and seeing ships being broken down like that during the opening mission. I thought that I would rather be doing that and then hardspace showed up on steam a few days later. It’s been on my wish list for way too long, definitely going to pick it up for my next game

They only have to target a single hardware configuration, the os has much less overhead than a typical desktop os, a graphics api that runs closer to the metal (also why the ps5 outperforms the more powerful series x) and some good development tools all go a long way to boosting the performance of the hardware.

I have an r5 3600 with an rtx 2070 and would not be surprised if the ps5 performs better with multiplatform titles.

There was nothing wrong with the gamefaqs model, not every game needs or deserves a fully fleshed out wiki. Wikis are great if you want to know more about a game universe and its characters but are pretty awful as walkthroughs.

I use an app called accubattery and it has an alarm that goes of at 8œ percent then every 5 percent beyond that.

My pixel 3a is 4 years old and reports 83 percent battery health still. I’ll have no problem getting another year out of it. I’ve made a point of never charging above 80 percent with this phone and it’s made a world of difference in how long the battery lasts. Previous phones I owned I would charge to 100 percent overnight every night and needed to swap in a new battery after 12-18 months.

Maybe it’s because mine is modded but I get a lot of use out of my Wii u. My switch on the other hand, collects dust.