It something Nintendo excels at and it’s weird they haven’t tried it. Nintendo puts out dozens of mid range games a year that are solid with no weird monetization.
You can’t even blame the great sales on Nintendo having all these amazing IPs because they built most of those IPs from scratch WITH mid range games and the occasional AAA in the series. It’s a long play but these business types are to busy looking at the quarterly number to start building now.
Oh he for sure has tons of mental issues and illnesses and so does a portion of his community. The thing is, he’s been a major streamer for fucking ever, at this point it’s sort of his fault he’s like that. He’s had loved ones and family try to help over the years but he just has the money to tell them to fuck off. Usually it’s hitting rock bottom that gets people to change but it’s very hard to do that when you have tons of money and don’t do drugs.
You could also buy cheaper ‘lesser’ parts if you’re not interested in playing the top of the top new games. I basically only play league, ff14 and indie games. My 12 year old laptop can run everything I play still with no problem (I know cause I take it to my girlfriend when I stay over), granted I do have a pretty nice pc now a days.
I’ve been hearing the dislike for the name but I personally like it for a fighting game. Sorta reminiscent of Japanese fighting games that can have crazy names for sequals.
It also has a couple of good shortenings for players. They could call it xko or 2ko. Much like how people just call league of legends, league or lol. Granted I don’t actually play fighting games but that’s just my opinion.
I get what you’re saying about devs needing income but devs already got paid for making the game. All revenue after goes to executives who had little to nothing to do with making the game and I know some people could argue that if the company doesn’t make money then the devs will be out of a job but that’s a BS propaganda argument. Even when games make record profits teams get let go. Fuck blizzard.
I’m thinking he was probably selling saves with all the Pokémon plus all the Pokémon in shiny and a complete story. I did this with every single Pokémon game prior to switch and put them all on my Pokémon home when they were discontinuing pokebank, but only the ones that are able to be caught legit that way.
There’s always a niche. Nobody thought anyone would care enough to watch them play video games badly but here we are. Really if you set a cam in your league and have half funny commentators who know their stuff people would watch.
Look at speed running too, it’s even more niche than just playing games and it gets millions of dollars a year too.
When I say they can do whatever they want, I mean it in the ‘they literally could just follow all those rules and regulations to just allow porn on there if they wanted to’ sense. There’s nothing stopping them from doing it besides money and the fact they’re allowing what they currently do means money is winning.
There’s nothing cruel or illegal on what’s currently going on with twitch but I get what you’re trying to say. I’m just tired of people forcing their views on me because of their kids. Mind you, I don’t hate kids.
There’s a handful of prominent streamers pushing the softcore meta hard but as a whole I agree with you. The people complaining about the children need to understand it’s a private company and they can do whatever they want, if parents don’t want their kids seeing that stuff then they should moderate them better instead of trying to push the responsibility of raising their kids onto others.
Bad launch is giving then the benefit of the doubt which they don’t deserve. They intentionally launched an incomplete game so they could make the money now and look good for investors, and then just fix it post launch while also giving out ‘free’ updates that should have just been all there on launch.
Mind you I’m not complaining about the actual developers, it’s always the executives who are to blame when this happens.
People need to vote with their wallets, if they stopped pre ordering and buying buggy messes at launch companies would be incentivised to actually release fully working/fully developed games.
Also the whole background of how the devs and play testers were treated is horrendous.
I toast my bread on a cast iron skillet. Takes longer but I’ll never have to replace it.