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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


I’m not REAL into these, but every now and then I find one (usually much lighter than like) that clicks with me and I dump a few days into it before I get bored.

Dead cells was fun.

Children of Morta was pretty cool as you have a whole family to level up.

My son was playing Skul that looked fun.

He’s just savvy enough to be dangerous! So he bought it pre-hacked and loaded with software.

My brother just bought his first 3DS. It’s blowing his mind! 😂

That’s exactly one of the inspirations for my post.

I tried playing Fallout 2 again, and it was painful. Couldn’t even force myself to get very far into it.

Absolutely! I just meant that going back to an old game is never quite as good as it was the first time.

I barely finished my first D4 playthrough because I got bored in the first few weeks.

I was still playing D2 (off and on) 10 years after it’s release.

He’s not wrong. As much as we loved the old games, it’s hard to go back once you’ve gotten used to the QoL improvements in modern games.

We think we want the old games back, but really we just want the emotions that came with playing it.

I’m digging the ADHD&D shirt.

Not sure how I feel about repeat playable characters.

That is Zayne and Mose, right?

I felt less connected to 3 than any other BL game, so seeing those characters come back did nothing for me.

Here’s a slightly different spin on “computer games”

I have Boardgamearena.com in the background of my browser. I often have a few board games going at once. You take your turn, and it alerts you when it’s your turn again. There are also games you can play solo if you don’t wait to wait around for others.

The last few games I was looking forward to have all been pretty disappointing.

Remember Tetrisphere? That one was fun and interesting.

Not so much a murder, but selling your kid and taking them back once you realize they can make you some money.

Yeah. That one. I’m just going to stick with calling it Edith Finch.

Oblivion, Skyrim, Every Fallout (yes even 1 and 2, but especially New Vegas) borderlands 2, Diablo 2 & 3, Stardew Valley, and there were a few years of CoD, and a WoW phase.

Oh. And ten years worth of Hearthstone.

The peak of my WoW time was Wrath of the Lich King. Then, eventually some bootleg free Cataclysm servers popped up and I gave that a try for a bit. It was jenky, but Free is free.

I’m really curious to see how much has changed over the decades, but I don’t have the time or money to dip my toes into that again.

My brother and I would set the other up just so we could see new cut scenes!

Pawns don’t often take queens and kings without a little help.

What’s it pay? Give me a ban hammer and one week, and I’ll get rid of them Nazis for you!

Mine are:

Any Fallout or Elder Scrolls

Diablo 2 or 3

Stardew Valley

Borderlands 2

And I never consider it a real game, but I do sink the most hours in Hearthstone. I’ve been playing it almost daily for the past ten years.

You might be able to get a used Quest 2 pretty cheap. That was my entryway to VR, and a cheaper way to find out if it’s something you want to invest more in.

Ever stop to wonder who decided that sexuality was “political”?

Sim City is a political game, because you’re the goddamn mayor.

Please explain to me how and why my genitals should have ANYTHING to do with politics.

I guess if this was all I did outside of work and sleep, I’d probably buy it. Mailbox and auction house access is priceless.

But, I got shit to do and mouths to feed, so, I don’t WoW no mo’.

I know some people hate the idea of VR and want it to go away, others are all in.

I do enjoy it, and I want to be all in, but it’s not worth digging it out and charging it up at this point.