Here’s a slightly different spin on “computer games”
I have in the background of my browser. I often have a few board games going at once. You take your turn, and it alerts you when it’s your turn again. There are also games you can play solo if you don’t wait to wait around for others.
The peak of my WoW time was Wrath of the Lich King. Then, eventually some bootleg free Cataclysm servers popped up and I gave that a try for a bit. It was jenky, but Free is free.
I’m really curious to see how much has changed over the decades, but I don’t have the time or money to dip my toes into that again.
I’m not REAL into these, but every now and then I find one (usually much lighter than like) that clicks with me and I dump a few days into it before I get bored.
Dead cells was fun.
Children of Morta was pretty cool as you have a whole family to level up.
My son was playing Skul that looked fun.