• 3 Posts
Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Aug 20, 2024


I held off buying a ps5 for 3 months because I was afraid DS2 might drop on that rumored PS6.

I REALLY wanna play DS2.

One of the best games of the last decade. Top-5 easy.

I played it since launch. Originally on a Xbone, and my biggest complaint back then was minimap lag. You wouldn’t believe how many turns I missed.

But yeah, rough launch. Made a storybook comeback. Now it’s incredible. My biggest gripe now is that it doesn’t have NG+. I went on Pavel’s streams and begged for NG+ for 2 years. All I wanted was Levels. Not SC, not money, not 'ware, not unique weapons. I just wanted to start the game at max level. They heard NG+ and thought we wanted the NG+ from Witcher 3. Which I actually hated. Cuz all the enemies get a buff and all your specced out end game gear is outclassed by garbage you pick up on the side of the road by the time you leave White Orchard. But that’s not what we or at least I wanted.

Lol. I actually had one. Bought it used the year after the series consoles dropped. Fuckin’ thing was rock solid. Seriously. It still works. Friend of mine uses it as a media center for his parents now. lol.

Started on a DOS1 PC which I upgraded over time first to DOS3 then finally Windows95. Owned a couple consoles. Then a WIndows PC around the Win8 era. Then more consoles. Now on a Ryzen laptop.

I know both sides.

Had Starfield been contained to like a dozen star systems with way denser planets it probably would have done better. Its just too damn big. And BGS is scared to death to go for what everyone really cares about, the species that built The Armillary. Had they focused on that I’d still be locked in. I like the game. But its too big. They went all the way in on the “kill, loot, return” playstyle and neglected everyone else. I never cared about that shit. I hated it in F4. Give me lore, story, details, actual faction choices that actually matter.

My very first playthrough of Fallout 4 I sided with The Institute because I had plans to take over and free the synths. Imagine my fuckin’ surprise when the credits rolled. They lost the plot long ago. And if they don’t have a “come to jesus” moment and figure that shit out then ES6 might be their last game. Big Daddy Microsoft isn’t gonna keep humoring Todd and Emil. They want their goddamn money back and a cargo ship more as interest.

Because PCMR are the no holds barred title belt holding all time all stars of being whiny little bitches.

inb4 - Yeah I see you typing. You know i’m right. You know it in your soul. You know your own kind.

Are…are they realizing that console exclusivity is fucking stupid? Finally? Is it happening.gif?

I hope its good. Im probably gonna try it. But the way modern releases are, I’m not holding my breath.

Has he tried to stop sucking?

Maybe just admit that the only reason he’s still the CEO of anything is because of DOD contracts and STFU.

Mechwarrior 5: Clans

Its been fantastic. Loved the hell out of it and cant wait for more.

The Clan Invasion hasnt been in a MW game since the mid-90s. And those Clan Mechs are B-E-A-Utiful in a modern engine like Unity.


If I might offer some advise for what’s coming. Keep the play style that let you beat Disciplinary Action going. It’s gonna serve you well in missions to come.

And hit the Sim Pod for mech xp and to level up your star. Cuz you’re gonna need every edge you can get.

I won. Somehow.

Played it real conservative. Held back. Used choke points. Positioned my star in water so they could go nuts without overheating.

Tried the same thing at the next cliff after the choice. Didn’t work out.

Mechwarrior 5: Clans. It’s wonderful. But I’ve hit a snag.
So, there's a mission that straight up isn't beatable as far as I can tell. Even on Story Mode. You have to prevent stolen Clan Mechs from fleeing so they aren't captured by whoever. Only hitch is, if you pursue them directly and down them you'll get absolutely shredded by their escorts. And if you pause pursuit to deal with the escorts they 100% will get away and you'll fail the mission. Also the controls are crap. And performance is iffy on Series S.

I was talking with a dude last night about what I termed a “Diablo themed Skyrim”

Imagine going through Sancturary during one of these hell uprisings in first person. Would be wild.

I can’t enjoy Diablo anymore.
Inb4 - Yes I know it's a me problem. I'm not the target demo. I've just been a fan of the franchise since I read The Sin War as a kid. I'll play through a Diablo once. As a necromancer. Exclusively as a necromancer. Everyone I know is a gatcha addict. All they care about is ever growing numbers. Bigger damage. Filling paragon boards. Torment levels. I just wanna play through the story content. Once.

Corps are shameless. No amount of hypocrisy is enough to make them reconsider their evil.

Kill all the cows in White Orchard. Repeatedly. Farm them. Good early game coin selling their hides.

My BIL is absolutely convinced that Ubisofts woes are entirely because of Yasuke and not at all related to anticonsumer BS and tired reskinned copy pasted games.

Just pirate it.

Buy it if you want. Then pirate a version to actually play.

What modern art will they present this time?

Sony’s console design peaked with the PS4.

Games are about fun. As long as you’re having fun then where’s the harm?

I don’t play online games much. And I’ve never even tried to cheat when I did. I know the difference.

But if it’s a single player game and I’m having trouble? Hell yeah I’ll cheat. Proudly.

I just heard that right after launch it started happening and apparently they fixed it without much fanfare. At least on single platforms. Like I’m just on Xbox.

I reinstalled BG3 just because I heard about mods coming to console.

I bought it at launch. Played it until my saves deleted themselves right at the start of Act 3. I was broken. It was such a slog for me to get that far. I had to Claw for every inch of progress.

With mods tho. I can cheat. And boy I love cheating. I grew up with Action Replay, GameShark, Game Genie, etc. I’ve missed them terribly.

Gamescom. What did those of us who just watched Opening Night miss on subsequent days?
I remember planning to watch some showcase on the 28th. But I forgot and now it's past and I can't remember what I was gonna watch. And there's no calender I can find of what showcases were happening on what days.