wiki-user: RandomLegend
QOwnNotes i haven’t tried - gotta take a look at it
I already use Syncthing to sync my obsidian vaults
Logseq doesn’t let me use a folder structure… and that is an adamant must-have for me. I have to be able to build a hierachical directory tree for my notes, that’s just how my brain works best - and i tried the tag based stuff but i just have to be able to walk a path of folders to get where i want.
Nah i am German, so imho I have every right to be majorly pissed off by religion being so invasive that they even enforce taxes unless you take your time and fucking pay money to officially leave the church so you don’t have to pay those cults any money anymore
Organized religion has no respect for anyone, organized religion is the single most horrible thing that ever happened to humanity and organized religion is solely responsible for billions of deaths throughout history, way too many fucking wars and so much blocking of innovation.
Religion doesnt respect women, lgbtq, mentally disabled, people who don’t want to be indoctrined to follow a cult member and, of course, members of other religions.
But sure, go ahead and continue that stupid categorized thinking of “I bet you’re american” buddy
On the other hand articles get made about some EA CEO asshole, some Activision CEO Asshole or some other big gaming coorp CEO asshole…
Ngl, i much prefer to read about people that actually deserve respect instead of some greedy CEO that never touched a gamepad in their life but pretends to understand what gamers want.
So, if i can chose between Larian commenting on Palworld, or Activision Blizzard commenting on Palword, i chose Larian every time.
I don’t believe that even without DRM the game would’ve been pirated that much… i mean people usually pirate games they actually want to play lmao.
But let’s see how long it takes the industry to realize that games like bg3 and palworlds, that don’t have any DRM, are still money making machines… hmmm
i still remember the days where people were dreaming of become game developers. Being able to make a living by creating what you love the most.
Nowadays you are either an indie developer hoping to scrape enough by streaming on twitch and making devlogs on youtube, or you’re in big industry and pray you’re not part of the next big wave of layoffs…
check out if the games you want to play are supported. The number of unsupported games shrink by the day
I just watched a video from The Linux Experiment about Linux not being suited for professionals. And for most people Linux is 100% suitable for their day to day work. I completely ditched Windows 2 years ago and never touched it again, but for graphic designers, editors, etc. etc. i think it’s not that simple. Work that has to be collaborative with others need programs that let them work together. And in the current times the likes of adobe and autodesk completely dominate the scene and force users to stay with their programs…
This gives so many users another incentive to accept the bullshit of microsoft. I am so happy that i don’t need a single program that is windows exclusive - i finally enjoy getting OS updates since i ditched that pile of garbage :-D
i cringe so hard at how pathetic and ridiculous microsoft has become.
Literally the only reason why people still use windows is that everyone else writes their programs for windows. But let’s be honest here. Out of the three big OS’s (Win, Linux, MacOS) windows is by far the worst. Big developers have to start writing their software for Linux and windows will crumble very fast.
i’ve searched for that aswell and never found anything… only stuff like bubbleupnp that does the same trick with using screen recording to stream it…