I hear what you’re saying, but how many hours are logged by some swimming in images of fps games? I’d argue, from my interaction with teens, that there are far more hours logged than passively watching any media. But that’s not the point anyway.
Our American society is swimming with a gun obsession. Whether it’s via video games, movies, social media, politicians, the NRA, “2nd ammendment cities” (wtf), and too many more avenues to think of. Games are just one vector of marketing guns to a maleable population. The core of this suit is that a manufacturer was pushing their models within the game in collusion with Activision. I believe advertising guns to a kids demographic is prohibited. I’d search it, but I’m lazy and the AI results would be wrong anyway.
Is there any eli5 guides to things like f-Droid or the other platforms(?) (it used to be called ‘rooting’, don’t know what it is now) to be able to install LibreTube? Following the faq link from github, I see 3 download options, one I recognize as f-Droid, and 2 others.
I realize this should be “android 101”, but my ability to problem solve stuff like this is slipping away from me. (protect your brain, kids!).