I am the same. Game could take 60 hours to complete, and 50 of them are dogshit. Then it’s not a fun game. It’s all about the overall quality of the entire experience.
I would gladly pay $100 for Subnautica 2 if they could pull off another amazing adventure. Would do the same for another Larian studio game.
The issue is not that a good character is black. It’s that “hey, let’s make a token black guy and inject it into this story to show how diverse we are!”
No one care about good characters, but companies are being fed a load of crap that almost feels like sabotage about having “inject this minority” being a lead design principle. It’s not, make a good character first.
My dad did this. Was almost 70k in unsecured debt at the time of his death. I gave most everything away except his fishing stuff. He had so much shit.
Only one credit card company said “it’s good you are taking over the payments”. Told her I never agreed to that, just informing you of his death, and if they contact me again my Saul level lawyer is going to enjoy that lawsuit. Never heard from them.
Don’t ever assume the debt of someone else.
Yeah, it honestly took me back. Gave it a shot single player and had some fun. Tried the multiplayer and the first game had two people drop so it didn’t work out.
The rest of them I got kicked from. “Kick Noob”. Yeah, sorry I don’t have exact weapon X with Y build, can we just play? No? Ok. Uninstall time.
Sometimes a mid game is all I want or have time for.
Moonlighter is a solid B+ game. It doesn’t do anything special, just a fun little adventure. I can play it in mandatory meetings that don’t require any attention.
Also, mid games are usually perfect for my kids. They don’t need an epic adventure and ridiculous gameplay. Just something kind of fun.
Have you played Ixion?
It’s a space-city builder that is story rich and your choices affect the gameplay and story. I normally don’t like city builders, but Ixion drew me in to the point I called off work one day to finish it.
It’s not stat heavy, it’s a one and done type of game. I really liked it.
I will give you my review as someone who is a trans ally. The writing is bad. Like really bad.
I played DA:O when it first came out, bought the Golem bonus release package. It was a fun, dark fantasy game. Same with the expansion and the other DA games. This game has none of that in the story. It’s just a really awful written story.
The chuds, and I despise even typing this, are right. The trans/non-binary stuff comes out of no where. They go full vegan road biker CrossFit attitude with it and just inject it in the most random places. “Let me tell you about all the sets I did!” And then there are some kind of odd non-consenting scenes which make it even weirder.
It lacks ALL the magic and creative writing of BG3 with almost none of the character development. It’s Mary Sue shit from start to finish.
The combat is good, but it’s likely a separate team made it.