I hate this trend on the Internet. Looking through 30 pages of a forum may be tedious but it’s not behind a wall people might not know about. With Telegram and Discord it’s great for the community but even worse usually when you need an answer. If you search discord and the question was not replied to or your search term was not mentioned you may have to scroll through for a long time. Not to mention how quickly information can go away if the server is deleted or something.
I agree. Unless that’s the whole point of the game you are making, and then it’s just the nature of the game. Flight Sim is one of my friend’s favorite games, but not so for me. At least they aren’t telling people that they are wrong about it being boring because it’s realistic and realism is better or some crap.
Those companies have changed their own launcher so many times as well that it doesn’t give me any hope that they will continue to exist or continue to let me borrow the games I bought from them.