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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


and might even get better

I honestly doubt it. I don’t think it is possible for reddit to be profitable in anything like its current form.

Twitter, before the EM implosion, had managed one profitable year in the last decade.

Reddit has about 2 orders of magnitude less users than twitter.

Those users are much less attractive to advertisers because reddit knows fuck all about them compared to twitter.

Reddit surfed through the years of cheap vc money but going public could kill it.

After all, the 24 hour news cycle lives on scandals.

And because it is a 24 hour cycle, the scandal will be forgotten and replaced with a new one in the same amount of time.

From the horse or the person swinging the stick?

(When people let their anger get the best of them they often, regrettably, start to resemble the focus of their anger.)

Take The Money and Run?

I was thinking more along the lines of: The Gambler

You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em

Know when to walk away and know when to run

Except they should have walked away about 4 years ago…when their chip stack was a much larger pile. Now they are trying to run with what they have left.

Honestly, why bother?

Management has been wanting to cash out for a decade.

The IPO will go ahead, the reddit of the days of yore is dead. It will not improve.

The horse is dead, beating it will just make you hot, sweaty and your arm sore.

No matter what you feel about the place it was never going to go any other way.

They are about 2 years too late.

The rise in interest rates and the end of easy VC money has swung the dial back to: Companies actually need to generate profit and not just show user growth to be attractive to investors.

The IPO will not go as spez dreamed for so long.

That make sense?

Yes, it does.

It sounds like the discovery of the mechanics was more rewarding for you as making progress and winning.

I‘m probably just fed up with being the oddball all the time.

Don’t be. It is the oddballs of the world that are actually the agents of change.

Having read this I would suggest you have a look at Kerbal space program. On the surface it is a fairly simple game but the mechanics of actual space flight are very complex.

A good XKCD about Kerbal.

Its about the fact that minecraft isnt as fun as it used to be (to you)

It sounds more like you have changed, rather than minecraft.

That is normal. People’s tastes change.

What do you think are currently games that are not focused on children and have great potential?

That is such an open ended question as to be impossible to really answer well.

You have stated you no longer enjoy minecraft but not what you do like playing. So again, quite hard to make a recommendation.

Do you want building sims? Tropico or Cities: Skylines.

Other than that, I have no idea what to recommend.

Counter point:

The majority of players do not have the time to invest or inclination to get gud.

All they want is to have an enjoyable playing experience. Getting ganked in every game is not an enjoyable playing experience.

“Designers should strive to find a way that players of all skill levels can have fun together.”.

The way that is done in a game like golf is handicapping. Would the high skill players be ok with shorter wait times if they were handicapped?

My guess is: Fuck no.

The North Atlantic Fella Organization is trying to shut down Trump’s flailing social media platform before the 2024 election—by shitposting.

That is not what causes VR motion sickness.

Did you read my comment?

If the graphics look rubbish out brain will feel sick.

That is not what causes VR motion sickness.

It is the disconnect from the movement signals our brain is receiving from our eyes via VR and our vestibular organ which tells us our physical orientation.

VR motion sickness has the same cause as seasickness and car sickness and all testing I have seen is that about 1/3 of the population will never be able to use VR without getting sick.

We are well into the period of diminishing returns of graphics advancement where it really no longer matters.

The same has happened with PCs in general by about 2005. personal computers passed the point where a 2 year upgrade made little to no difference.

Same with mobile phones about a decade ago.

I stopped playing games on mobile as I have more than enough to play on pc and ps.

Also I hate the free to play skinner box model that took over the mobile industry.


Please yes.

I’m tired of seeing the same story of that chode in six or seven different communities.

There’s also a new “Enable audio and video calling” toggle within the app’s settings, which says you can “turn the feature on and then select who you’re comfortable using it with.” It includes options to allow audio and video calls from only people in your address book, people you follow, verified users, or all three.

Five bucks says that when basically no one enables this it will be turned on by default for everyone to receive calls from verified users within the next 8 weeks.

Oh and the only way to turn it off will to be a verified user…

Ah yes. The 6 monthly There is no ES6 news news story.

This must be about the 30th of these I have read.

Skyrim will be old enough to vote next year…

I know I shouldn’t be surprised with US labour practises but how they fuck is a company allowed to not pay severance when doing layoffs?

They didn’t fix the VR induced nausea. They moved to a mixed reality headset. You still see the room you are in as well as the game.

The question I then have to ask is: Why strap this to your head?

You mean the Authoritarian State Capitalist country of China?

They are as communist as the DPRK is democratic…in name only.

Then not sure why you are seeing ads.

Are the in video sponsor pieces? As sponsor block is quite good at skipping them in most case.

Do you have ublock or ublock origin?

ublock origin is what I use. I also made no changes to the defaults on pc and see no adds on youtube there as well.

I do mean Ublock Origin, just a bit lazy in typing.

I have sponsor block on the pc and do need to add it to mobile. (that lazyness kicking in again as it has only been a few weeks that you could add it)

I have made no changes to the default settings and it works fine for me.,

If anyone else has tweaks they use, please reply to @perishthethought.

Thanks for checking.

Then I would suggest that if the OP wants to view youtube on mobile they go with normal FF and ublock.

It sounds like Firefox Focus just has a few privacy extensions rolled in but still allows adds.

I’m pretty sure I see fewer ads since I don’t have a deep history for YT to mine / target.

I used normal FF with ublock. I never see ads at all. Can you add extensions to Firefox Focus?

The person who stated this a while ago deleted their comment so the reply may not have made sense:

The blockchain does not contain the digital assets. it is just a ledger saying who owns the assets.

If the place the blockchain ledger points to no longer exists, the ledger is useless.

Same with NFT’s, they are digital receipts that point to a web address, If the web address closes down, the NFT is useless.

For a real world analogy.

A deed (blockchain ledger) proves you own a house (digital asset stored on the game server). If the house burns down (game server is switched off), the deed still exists but it is useless as the asset it describes no longer does.

I would say, being even more pedantic, that the game uses a blockchain (which is just a different type of database) to record in game digital asset ownership. This game could have been made with a normal db taking that roll and would probably run no differently.

He is mentioning and using a blockchain over a normal db for no other reason that it probably helped to secure funding in 2017 as it was a massive tech buzzword at the time.

The blockchain does not contain the assets he is talking about. it is just a ledger saying who owns the assets.

If the place the blockchain ledger points to no longer exists, the ledger is useless.

Same with NFT’s, they are digital receipts that point to a web address, If the web address closes down, the NFT is useless.

Not sure you understand what you are talking about there bubs.

a blockchain-based business sim

Sorry Pete but blockchain is so 2020. Everyone knows AI is the new hotness in tech buzzwords.

“Ownership and creativity take center stage as you get the chance to build and manage your business on your very own land!”

What happens if/when the servers your business is located on are switched off?

Unity Technologies went public back in late 2020.

The creators/venture capital funders got their payday and the MBA’s are now in charge as the company must keep increasing profit every quarter…forever.

They cannot/will not change course now.

Is their trust broken forever or is there any chance for redemption?

Not while the current management is in place and that will not change, so the first one.

It is closer to $7 per account, still not a massive amount but…

If you don’t get it, someone must get the $245M.

The law firm will happily accept it as admin fees instead.

Part of the settlement requirements should be that Epic has to contact every account that is eligible to inform them of this.

Otherwise, as with so many suits and class actions like this, most will never know they are entitled to compensation.