If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
English is one of few languages with such horrific historical spelling problems, and it’s basically entirely due to just being too stubborn to write ð words as ðey are pronounced since doing ðat is a signal of “low intellect”, as opposed to basically every oðer language ðat does it because of consistent sound shifts making it not as big a deal, or because ð original written language was of deep religious significance making changing it analogous to a kind of blasphemy.
Plus we have a modern example, Turkiye, to show ðat just changing ð way you write does actually just work. Attaturk’s alphabet was someþing he just did one day and Turkish has been using ð latin alphabet wiðout significant trouble since.
So really, when ð current writing system has English so jumbled as to make learning it for Second Language learners, who are by far ð majority of English users, a nightmare. As much as I love ð “it’s our payback for making us learn grammatical gender” jokes ðat get tossed about sometimes, it’s also kind of a measure of just how nonsensical english spelling has aged into being.
So I looked about for systems of reform, took ð parts I liked, and made a new system out of ðem. Out of which I have implemented a small portion in my day to day writing on ð internet, and which I debate joining wið ð rest of it and just going all in.
Hæv ė lᵫk yoṙſelf if y’ṙ intcrestid.
Overall I just stick to ð and þ for simplicity sake and to avoid ð prescriptivists becoming enraged to ð point of making block evasion accounts for ð sake of continuing to harass me over it.
Retelling stories is such an ancient tradition we literally can trace certain myþs genealogically þrough ð millennia.
Cloud being sad in an Action RPG format ðis time isn’t some deep revelation of ð deaþ of creativity because capitalism exists.
And I hate capitalism and what it does to artistic expression!
I mean ð distinction is well and truly ðere now, so a spelling reform ðat tries to reinstate a spelling convention from a period when it wasn’t is really just slapping a coat of paint on the same kinds of historical spelling issues ðat English still has.
To me bringing ðem back isn’t a matter of restoring old spelling, it’s a matter of using what once was to make something ðat works for the here and now.
I was talking more about how Italian Americans that are native speakers tend to speak a dialect that largely derives from Sicilian and other southern dialects that have since fallen out of use in favor of common italian, which is technically an entirely different language based on a northern dialect.
The joke is that these sicilian speaking mafiosos will sound like the american cousins because the dialect the Americans speak is closer to sicilian than the modern italian Sicilians are more likely to use in their everyday right now.
It’s actually a pretty hilariously documented phenomenon across the old world and in multiple places within the new world, where countries that endured a nationalist unification period adopted a common tongue, and in doing so diverged the language from native speakers that had migrated to the Americas.
Similar sitch with “inauthentic” ethnic cuisine being criticized by others in America and elsewhere in the Americas, it’s not different because it’s inauthentic, it’s different because it’s a preserved cultural artefact which predates a prescriptionist change dictated from the elites (who tended to be from a single language/culture group) to the common public, while the forms seem in the Americas are those predating cultures and traditions.
Also the IP aggression isn’t entirely their fault, Japanese Copyright law requires companies to be waaaaaaaay more aggro than their American counterparts.
It actually caused such a controversy on YouTube a few years ago that YouTube had to release a feature to individual creators to selectively block their videos in certain countries so that they could avoid the risk of getting copy-striked because their video aired where companies are pushed to hit everyone they can with cease and desist letters.
More accurate to say that the initial success surge has calmed down to their core audience.
That 10% or fewer depending on if it’s still shrinking will be the rock and stoners that keep this game running well into the future.
You’ll probably see a similar spike then fall off then consolidation when The Forever Winter releases. That core community revenue is probably going to be what FunDog is planning on using for future projects and to cover the maintenance costs of TFW. I mean either that or they’ll power the servers by kidnapping the playerbase and harvesting their organs and bioelectricity but it was really their own fault for not being able to get out of sight before nightfall.
That’s unlikely since they’d still be Japanese most likely
Nintendo’s especially strict content creator and fan game creator practices stem from Japanese Copyright law encouraging IP owners to be waaaaaaaay more aggressive about protecting them than in most other IP markets.
Like I’m pretty sure the concept of fair use isn’t legally recognized in Japan.
I both agree and disagree, I think Sonic does have normal eyes and those are his goggles, but I don’t think those are all the white of his eyes as we see them.
I think they look white just because that’s how the light reflects off them and they’re actually polarized lenses to help him see even when he’s traveling through deep sunset or sunrise when shit’s at its most blinding, or through brightly lit cities that can hit pedestrians with heavy glare.
Honestly my first mental picture was something more like a really low rate of fire Splatoon except more about knocking down enemy “fortresses” instead of just coating the other side since… it’s snow, it’s already on both sides.
Different weapons would be stuff like slings for range, or a shovel for busting down snow castles, maybe it has a charged up projectile where your character gets a whole shovel full of snow and then lops it overhead to try and nail someone with an air mailed avalanche.
Also have an actual gun sometimes show up on the map but if you grab it all your shots miss for like ten seconds because funni.
See this and the dark ages theme makes me think we actually are going to see them try to pull off a complete FPS arsenal with no hitscans, or at least no pure hitscans.
If it works I could see it being a bold new direction for FPS design, why worry about balancing snipers if even your longest range weapons are still projectiles, also, why limit your arsenal design only to guns now that you don’t actually have the need to create that point and shoot sensation the same way. You could build an entire “FPS” that’s just snowball fighting and the different “weapons” in the arsenal are throwing implements.
Sounds kiddish but imagine being able to crack open a cozy game fps with some hot cocoa.
Unless you figured out how to escape binary computing, tomorrow, for everyone, it is really not gonna be the way you think it is.
The limitations I’m describing come from the very nature of how we practice computer science and engineering, you cannot derive a creative intelligence that thinks like a human from binary computing, just like how there are mass computations a human could never dream of performing in a timely manner the way even basic computers are capable of today.
Unless someone cracks the code to scalable quantum computing tomorrow, the closest current AI tech will ever come to being a replacement for human intelligence will be as a “Third Hemisphere” brain implant designed to unite Human Creativity with Silicon Mass Data Processing. Which, again, doesn’t replace the human, it just moves the position of the tool they use to still be the one doing the work ultimately.
I’ve said before and I’ll say again, AI tools as we have them are a really good tool, for someone who knows what the tool needs to get done.
This isn’t gonna replace work, it’s going to change what work looks like, from having to know how to do the thing yourself to having to be able to clearly describe the thing you want done.
The peak of irony, this STEM development just made writing and literature classes a VITAL part of the average student’s future working skills compared to how they were viewed before.
The hardest workers are probably also gonna wind up being damn fine reporters/poets/creative writers just as a happenstance of what skills they have to develop just to be good at their prompt engineering.
The problem is that sometimes they choose that, and then they pitch a fit at you when their out of date software becomes the point of entry that’s lead to them needing to figure out how to buy and trade crypto.
Software is made for the lowest common denominator to be able to use, and that means hand holding and railroading for everyone else, or else we get dumbasses who some the fuck how managed to backgrade their OS to the original Windows OS and are now exposed to literally every security risk that has been invented since that was released.
The book makes it a lot less handwaveable by giving the clendathu a much more pronounced civilization ane culture
Meanwhile the movie literally has a scene with one of the bugs mutilating a cow, and it’s made up as poking fun at fascist propaganda, but it’s also designed, advertently or not, to propagandize to the audience outside the setting too.
Ðı aṙ’n letıŋ ð imprȯpṙ Djæpinız ſluıd t bı nuıſ, it’z bikȯz Đı þıŋk a forinṙz aṙ ſ ſtupid ðæt “beıſik etikit” z’n wṙþ ð efṙt t djril intu U̇.
They aren’t letting the improper Japanese slide to be nice, it’s because they think all foreigners are so stupid that “basic etiquette” isn’t worth the effort to drill into us.