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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 05, 2023


I wouldn’t say horror, but it does have a sinister motif.

I’d recommend the we were here series. They’re two people puzzle games.

Super Hot and Beat Saber don’t cause motion sickness. If you have no idea about how the different kinds of VR movement affect nausea and haven’t developed any VR legs, then that’s absolutely on you. Especially given that Alyx remains accessible to people prone to motion sickness by giving you the option for teleport locomotion and snap turning instead. I know my limits and while I can use smooth locomotion, I still use snap turning. Don’t blame the game if you don’t know your limits and it’s essentially your first VR game in which you don’t stay in a single spot.

I love Niagara. For me, it really eliminated distractions and stopped me from swiping mindlessly.

Minecraft rewritten for better performance with platform interoperability in mind and so on. Essentially what could’ve or should’ve been a replacement to Minecraft if done right. It was not done right. Quite the opposite.