I would agree with Dread. It is such a a nice clean game and that last boss was an actual challenge. Many games are awesome but fumble the last boss.
Before Dread, I would say the Super Metroid on SNES, that game introduced (at least me) the wall jumps and the sprint to down boost jump thing. I always tired to saved the animals when leaving the planet, but it’s not like they were able to get off the planet, so I’m not sure if it really helped.
It was definitely the CD and 32X coming out in quick succession. Then also here is a completely new game system. Just throw that other crap away. I heard that Sega of Japan wasn’t communicating with their American counter parts that well.
Sega Saturn was good and so was the Dreamcast, but those bread crumbs improvements beforehand made it feel like a cash grab. Shame too, since I was on team Sega.
I will NEVER play the new version. It looked good and I downloaded a demo of it. They wanted me to make a Ubisoft account so I can log on before I could play. F that noise. There are plenty of other games I can play.
I still like sands of time and the OG one. The OG one is hard as fuck. I never beat it.
Tank: Man, we wiped. What happened? Normally that boss isn’t a problem.
Healer: 1212131411121511
Tank: Oh.