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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 15, 2023


From the article:

Xbox has no plans to abandon hardware, despite what these sales trends may start to suggest.

From the article:

Xbox has no plans to abandon hardware, despite what these sales trends may start to suggest.

But if we’re talking about console sales, Microsoft has been downplaying its need to sell hardware for years now, pushing the idea that you can experience Xbox anywhere, namely on PC with day and date Game Pass releases, and on other devices through cloud gaming, which remains a niche market. The path to cash has been Game Pass subscriptions, as it’s more valuable to have players paying a monthly/yearly fee that will end up being far more money than a single console would be

Console skyrim mod enjoyers are weeping having to re-download 75 mods because Todd liked the word Creations more.

Glorious American Capitalism. Enshittification is just a word for the financialization of everything. Finance Bros run the world, and they know you have another .0265٪ disposable income they can get to make their line go up another quarter.

This is fun because I have no idea what this is because I was immediately bombarded with ads.

And they just got done suing Xbox so Microsoft couldn’t own the Modern Warfare IP.

Caveats like “they own it, they don’t pay so others can’t own it” are meaningless at ground level.

Various executives have been ripping bongs and saying this about gaming since the late 90s.

Still waiting on Millenials to ditch consoles and PC games entirely to play on the N-Gage.

Driving yes, but the system at least used to pretend to reward innovations, now it just doubles down over and over on made up concepts to move money around.

Capitalism. If you are using the word enshittification, it’s capitalism.

Our world economy no longer rewards innovation. We are at the stage where winnowing begins. The market is now just shareholders. They demand the line goes up, fuck the consumer.

So in place of innovation we have increasing minutaie.

From the finance sector (derivatives of derivatives of derivatives) to production (shrinkflation, shipping broken products, live service bullshit, subscription models, blah blah blah) only adding more kinks to the maze generates capital now, not increasing the size of the maze.

2 other people play on my account from sub accounts on the console. They each play multiple games per month. $12 is less than $60, so even a single new game each month saves me money.

Paying for demos? I’m not sure why you think there aren’t any good games on there. Halo, Starfield, Fallout, Cities Skylines, Forza, Mass Effect, Tomb Raider, Far Cry, Assassins Creed, Yakuza, Dead Space, blah blah blah.

And that’s not including all the smaller games my kids have found. Human Fall Flat, Rubber Bandits, Donut County, Frog Detective are all games we found that we otherwise would never have spent money on.

I don’t support subscription only models, but that doesn’t mean some aspects aren’t a good value.

I use gamepass. I’ve definitely saved money with the amount of games my household has played.

I buy games I really like and just try them on gamepass.

Yes it’s a very detailed simulator. You can generate wing cavitation and sonic booms.