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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Mar 08, 2024


So what?

What’s the world bank going to do if the countries decide not to pay back the loan?

It’s just stupid for the countries to even pay it back

Oh, fuck that.

I just want the original with new kick ass graphics and maybe the option to switch between new and old music

They did, I own it.

I was hoping they would eventually give us the remake but we got the stupid ff8 one

I loved the commentary on Social Media culture and its ability to mindwipe people into mindless followers who don’t question what they are told.

Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and obey!

I mean, I started playing once I heard how popular it was.

Pokémon with guns didn’t really interest me as a description but it turns out it’s fun when you try it.

If so many people hadn’t been recommending it. I would’ve never known.

At some point when something gets so popular, you try it just to see what you’re missing out on even if you don’t think it’s gonna be your cup of tea.

And it’s really more like Pokémon mixed with ARK

I only know bad things about them, I knew the name before that, but I thought it was a Linux thing until the excrement hit the air circulation device

They were supposed to be reviewing a video card or video card cooler or something and they used the wrong model, said it didn’t work, and then kept and sold the thing if iirc

Did they ever do anything about that thing they reviewed the wrong product and just ran it down?

Edit: tube to thing

Does it count as a console?

I really don’t know, I guess you could say handheld gaming console, but consoles have to hook up to something.

I’ve always heard it as consoles are static and portables are called handheld gaming systems

I subscribe to game pass ultimate.

It lets me game on my tv, instead of the Xbox, plus my ADD and a whole bunch of ever changing games is just glorious.

Plus they usually run a sale when they take it off gamepass so you can get it cheap if you like it.

It’s sega channel revamped

120 options is too many, we should make standard that works for everyone

Get the dlc, it’s 100% worth it, even the stuff they added for non-dlc users is pretty awesome

Looks interesting , but it has a $200 price tag and while I love old school games, I can buy a $30 gadget that has hundreds of the old games I used to play.

Also, the crank should be able to charge it, that would help with the price tag, you could throw it in a bug out bag

So you’re upset that they don’t tell you that creators can choose to put sponsorships in?

So you are mad at the video creators for putting sponsorships in?

I’m not!

I also wouldn’t be bitching if they charged or wanted ads.

At that point I would probably just pay them.

Not one red cent, I also wouldn’t bitch if part of the necessity was to charge or have ads.

I’d rather pay someone else than selfhost

Do you realize how low quality your stuff would be?

Then people would bitch that they can’t get the high quality version for free

Oh no won’t someone please think of the people so entitled they believe they should get everything for free.

Like, I just don’t understand the thought process behind people like you.

Do you ask for free everything else?

So you would like a plan that uses the same amount of bandwidth and power as they used back then, with one skippable ad, for free?

Kind of, people are not quitting YouTube, I’m off them are still using it, but bitching that their free video streaming service needs to get paid.

They are still using it and costing YouTube money in aggregate

Well, it seems like you aren’t part of the target audience.

Luckily there are other options out there for you!