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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


they’ve probably earned him more than a couple of dollars, too, just from people wanting to read the source material.

and I doubt there would have been a Netflix series without the games.

if your article can be summarised as “no”, you don’t have enough material to write an article.

destiny (2, at least) was a mechanically great shooter attached to an abysmal story with awful MMO gear/leveling features and some of the worst company decisions I’ve ever heard of.

the game would literally be better if their parent company had died the moment they released it.

I remember back in the day, 2010 or thereabouts, calculating how much time I’d need to spend doing pve missions to afford PLEX with ISK alone. it was going to work out at something like 30 hours. that’s a full time job in this country.

if they focused entirely on either the pvp or the pve side, the game could be amazing. if they really went all in on pve content, ship progression, finding rare faction equipment and being able to totally overhaul your ships, OR they made it so that there’s ways to effectively earn an income through pure PVP, never having to engage in the boring anomaly grind (I don’t think anomalies is what they’re actually called, but it’s been too long, I don’t remember anymore)

either one would have made an incredible game. but as it stands, the pve is lacklustre and grindy, and the pvp is unlucrative and too often just frustrating.

if you enjoyed diablo 2,grim dawn feels like a spiritual successor to that game specifically, whereas d3 didn’t really.

what bugs, if you don’t mind my asking? I haven’t tried it yet - my decade-and-change old pc would probably just pop like a corn kernel.

imo people should be vocal. perhaps not angry; or, be angry with the publisher, who presumably pushed am unrealistic timeline/release of an unfinished product.

if people just accept it, because hey, they did warn us 🤷, that just sends the message that this is a ploy that can pay off.

we need to make it severely impact sales so that a) paradox feeds the developer the money needed to bring it up to spec, and b) thinks twice about doing it again.

I always felt like the arm got the short end in the expansion. they just never got anything to parallel the krogoth.

their static artillery being shorter range also always hurt them in my vs cpu games. though the vulcan was pretty awesome of you could somehow generate enough energy to sustain its RoF.

I’m curious: would people prefer a single upfront cost on a game, in-game purchases, or for the game to be free but you need to support the developer through voluntary donations (which carry no reward)?

I’ll believe it when I see it (or read a post on here talking about how it’s actually working)

that’s pretty insignificant by MMO standards, I’d say I have at lest twice, if not 3x that logged in WoW over the years, and I quit during Legion

it’s very much trickier than cities. I enjoy it but it’s not without its frustrations.

I’ve sunk a lot of hours into both guild wars 2 & Warframe. over 5000 apiece, iirc. but they’re both MMOs, so that’s not that unusual.

the standout for me in grim dawn. I’m at over 2500 hours, which seems just a massive amount for a game that’s not an MMO or even am open ended, open world game like skyrim or fallout.

Both the expansions are 150% worth getting. Ashes adds a huge new campaign and the Inquisitor & Necromancer masteries - Inquisitor is a great secondary to many other masteries and Necromancer is an amazing primary. Forgotten Gods is a shorter campaign and more of a side story, but the Oathkeeper mastery it adds works very well as both a primary and secondary, and it adds the shattered realm, which functions as an alternate endgame (as well as an efficient stepping stone to get there, and a testing ground for new builds). Both expansions add a tonne more items, with AoM raising the level cap from 85 to 100 (you must have AoM for Forgotten Gods to function)

Personally, I’ve logged something like 2.5 thousand hours in the game, and i haven’t exhausted its potential yet. Just so you get an idea of what you’re getting.

I’ve yet again fallen back into grim dawn. Recently got my conjurer to 100, my second pet class to hit that milestone. Running through the forgotten gods expansion before i move into ultimate difficulty.