Yeah the amount of good ai can do for the world is staggering, even just giving a speed boost and quality improvement to open source Devs will unlock a lot of new potential.
The problem is people in a certain age bracket often fear change because they feel they’ve put effort into learning how things work and if things change then all that effort will be worthless.
It doesn’t really matter though, gangs of idiots literally smashed the prototype looms when they were demonstrated because despite the cost of cloth being one of the major factors in poverty at the time a handful of people took it on themselves to fight to maintain the status quo – of course we know how it turned out, the same that it always does…
Areas that resisted technological and social growth stagnated and got displaced by those which welcomed it
I guess my brain works differently, I couldn’t just ignore the fact that the animal I’m eating did have the personality of a real living cow or chicken, cows sing and play, they’re curious and friendly and make friends - chickens mostly just recognise me as someone who carries food to them but they have personalities and emotions when you get to know them. I know that about them so if I was going to eat one of them I’d think about that and think about the brutality of their life and death.
Code is just code. It is (so far) just a series of logic choices that determine which pixel to light up or how fast to vibrate the speaker - it might look like personality but when you kill it there is no fear in it or pain, it doesn’t feel anything when you kill it’s children or it’s friends. I guess I just see numbers when I look at a video game, when I look at a chicken nugget I see real suffering and real death
Interesting, you say you can’t not eat meat but it disgusts you to think of a cartoon animal be being killed, I’ve literally never eaten meat and have a pet chicken which was rescued from being slaughtered after being in a better farm but I see it as silly fun when a game simulates it.
Do you think it’s the fact that it forces you to think of the reality that a really lovely and cute creature that does silly little jumps to get your attention and has a real personality is being killed just for you chicken nuggets?
I’ve never eaten meat in my life and still feel bad about accidentally sucking a little spider into the vacuum a few weeks ago but I much prefer it to Pokémon because it’s saying ‘oh this cute little sheep? You can kill it and it’s horrible and cruel but it’s ok because it’s a game’ where as Pokémon says ‘oh this adorable little guy? Yeah beat him up, capture him and force him to fight for you entertainment, it’s super cool and cute and fun just like in real life!’
(Note the only Pokémon game I played was on a Gameboy emulator in the 90s, I’ve also not played this but it does look more fun than Pokémon)
Yeah it’s obviously like Pokémon in several key regards but from what I’ve seen of it the actual game has a lot of originality and new concepts. We shouldn’t need to completely reinvent everything all the time, when something has a big cultural impact on people as children they should be allowed to play with and evolve those concepts - I know Pokémon doesn’t understand how evolution works but we as a society should take our cultural property seriously.
If you shove your ideas into kids brains then the adults who grow from those kids should own those ideas, the only reason we don’t is because Disney wanted a monopoly on mouse picture.
Set copyright to something reasonable like twenty years and focus on making a better society with free growth of ideas and expression rather than protecting the profits of the richest few
It’s hilarious to me seeing comments like this because in your head there’s no room for doubt, you know exactly what these streams will be like and can firmly declare that in public - it doesn’t even come into you mind at all to consider they’re popular things which mean a lot of people will have done something you haven’t and actually watched them.
It’s funny to be when the moral compass types let their misogyny show so clearly. Like you’re not going to even try to hide that while trying to claim the moral high ground?
Yes there are bad sexy streamers there are also good sexy streamers, but you can’t even imagine that a sexy girl could also be intelligent, funny, and entertaining. Compared to the dudebro react streamers and souless gameplay streams you normally have to wade through they’re a much higher class of entertainment, at least they’re making their own content and showing some personality.
People listen to music without dancing, it’s the same thing - it activates pleasurable parts of your brain which trigger various biochemical responces. I normally work with video essays on in the background but when things get complex and stressful I switch to hot people dancing or similar, trying to juggle a dozen variables and get all the code loops right can be mentally taxing so when my brain in churning over my options it can be good to have a nice juicy butt to rest my eyes on, watch sway and pop and grind… It’s not going to interrupt my train of thought but it holds it.
Also something that no one seems to consider possible but there are some really interesting and funny women that enjoy showing off their body, the music is often great and the atmosphere fun and light hearted - the notion that because it’s sexy it can only be low tier, base and worthless is just puritan nonsense, it’s good content.
And no you don’t have to jerk off the second you see a sexy butt, I think that way of thinking might be more puritan baggage. You can just feel good about seeing sexy bodies gyrate.
Oh God now my YouTube is going to be full of weird zoomers talking over Minecraft about oddly Puritanical nonsence and misogynistic bullshit covered in a thin veil of pseudo-woke word salad.
It’s even worse when it’s the anti-wokes doing it, pretend to care about the moral cohesion of society just so they can be angry that women are making money.
I think it’s great that tech companies are starting to relax on their puritanism, maybe they’ll stop being so heavy handed in moderating other content too or at least provide a space for it
It’s a really interesting one, it’s done much better than most people expected and seems to have a very strong community. It could evolve into something really interesting in the long-term, like it’s entirely possible that twenty years from now it’ll still be going strong with a healthy user base, it might even have the scope to really embed itself and still be popular in fifty years.
I never expected it to get to where it is and I never expected it to get to any of it’s previous milestones, now I’m starting to really wonder how far it could go
Elder Scrolls Daggerfall was surely the peek of this, you get a letter at the start telling you to meet a woman in a bar on a set date - turn up too early and she won’t be there, but if you mess around on sidequests and don’t have enough time to travel there so are late then she’ll leave and the main quest never really happens.
There were a million other ways to lock your ability to progress but I always remember that, I don’t know if it was possible to get back on track but I don’t think so, I probably played a thousand hours before I did a run where I even started the main quest
The first computers cost millions and the one I’m holding in my hand is basically worthlesss. capture and conversion are both fairly simple processes so we will see a lot of reduction in cost once engineering pathways are established especially when tied to excess power generation from renewables - instead of wasting excess capacity divert it to a nearby carbon capture plant.
If a system like this manages to make fuel cheaper than standard fuel types then we’ll see them spring up everywhere, it could be a total game changer. Worse ways there’s an expensive alternative for use cases where electric planes aren’t feasible and we learn a lot about atmospheric carbon in the process.
The air force have been doing studies and they’re really keen on it, fuel security is the main reason but it wouldn’t have got this far if it wasn’t at least somewhat economically viable.
First point there is carbon neutral jet fuel because NASA have been working of jet fuel chemistry for decades.
Secondly flying isn’t commuting, people don’t need to go to new cities twice a day but being cheap enough to allow people on minimum wage to have a holiday a few times a year would be a great benefit to all.
There are already ways of making jet fuel from captured carbon, as the chemistry continues to evolve we absolutely will see carbon neutral flights becoming more common.
I know doom feels good and I’m very susceptible to it myself but the reality is we’re probably going to make it through this, it kinda sucks really because it means we do need to plan for the future after all.
There are technologies already starting to roll out which will make flying the least ecologically damaging means of public transport for long and medium length journeys, I wrote a comment about it already but they’re building a faculty that turns captured carbon into jet fuel it’s really clever stuff.
Good news, they’re building a really cool new facility in washing state which uses carbon captured from the air to create jet fuel, the big idea is when the wind is blowing hard and there’s spare power from turbines they ramp up sequestering carbon from their air and the process of turning it into jet fuel meaning they can make use of power that would otherwise be over capacity by creating carbon neutral jet fuel.
The air force tested it in all their engines and it works great, of course it’ll take time to build the faculty and surrounding infrastructure but it’s a huge development, especially as it’s not a hugely complex tech so we might well see it evolved into being relatively cheap to build - maybe even we’ll see airports making use of their vast amounts of surface area with solar panels and creating carbon neutral jet fuel in site - would be a huge infrastructure saving and create more of a market for carbon which could drive carbon capture projects.
One exciting possibility is an experimental faculty in Cambridgeshire, UK which burns biomas to generate power and uses a fraction of that power to capture carbon from the burnt material - it appears to be a really effective way of pulling carbon from the air so if automated construction and management allow us to get the costs down to a point where it rapidly pays for itself while also making power and collecting carbon then we could well see something like that built at every airport in the world.
This would vastly reduce the carbon footprint of air travel to make it far better than other options for long and medium journeys while also reducing cost by cutting the need for hugely expensive oil mining and refining infrastructure, plus they’d have to remove eco taxes from air trave.
Tl;Dr - they’re already working on that, if we manage to make flying carbon neutral then a faster turn around time on jets is also a good thing ecologically and costwise because we could have less of them in fleets meaning resource costs are lower.
They don’t get that money from Jesus, that’s a portion of the money people have given them to play games - people currently prefer to give money to companies who are in it for profit but if they decided instead that to give it to their favourite open source development teams to continue work on their current projects or start new ones then it would be possible.
I bet rockstar would have been making much more interesting games for example if instead of being brought by a money hungry corporation they’d ended up as a community funded project.
And yeah I know it’s not likely today but nothing we accept as normal now seemed possible fifty years ago so we’ll see.
I’ve actually been kinda sacred to look at it because bg1 was probably the happiest memory of my childhood, really glad to see people loving it and I’ll probably give it a go
(And yes I’m exaggerating a bit but I used to play with my grandma on her computer, she’d sit and watch and we’d chat about things and she’d take notes and stuff or suggest strategy - it was such a great game in every regard, the story and the combat were fantastic with such beautiful areas to explore… Then when 2 came out and you could load your old save and import the party you finished with as the characters you start with! It was the best thing ever
Of course now I have grown as a man, times have changed and I have changed - I feared that there would be an empty shell under such a cherished memories name but tentatively I have started to allow myself to become excited to play it, sadly my grandmother has passed but what she taught me is you can’t live in the past, she loved new things and new ideas so I’m not wanting it to be exactly the same I’m just hoping it has that same feeling of fascination and depth of its forbearers as I hope I’ve gained from mine… Certainly im very excited to try out the new mechanics and gameplay elements that have gone into it, like having sex with a man that’s transformed into a bear.
Were probably? That’s a giant understatement and you know it.
Ai will save billions of lives and improve the living standard for everyone on the planet, it’ll be just like mobile phones where the biggest benefits come to the poorest communities - tech haters often ignore this reality, millions of children in Africa, Asia, etc were only able to get access to education through mobile infrastructure.
The internet has given everyone access to huge amounts of education resources and it’s only increased as they technology matures - current LLMs are amazing for language learners and for people who need things like English articles explained in their own language, I just asked chatgpt to explain the code I’m working on in Tagalog and it did it without hesitation (I can’t speak for the accuracy personally but looks legit) it even translated variable names but not function calls.
And this before we’ve scratched the surface of it’s utility, I’ll tell you one thing if you ever say to your grandkids ‘o I was against ai when it came out’ they’ll look at up like you’d look at someone who said they didn’t think math would catch on or that iron would never be as popular as bronze.