Yeah XCOM 2 is one of my top games by playtime. That game has stolen so many nights with “one more mission”. Then they went and did that kickass expansion.
And it’s never the people actually responsible for making the product shit. The only people that get hurt are the ones who did their best to fix issues created by the c suite.
That one fucking broke me once I realized what was happening. Absolutely beautiful game. With the eye tracking I found myself desperately trying to stay in the moment only to inevitably blink and have time move forward.
Yeah I knew my PERFECTLY WORKING CV1 was pretty much dead as soon as FB bought oculus. I’d rather it sit in it’s box forever than use Facebook shit again.
Agreed. This is one of those situations where I actually want to vote with my wallet if I can. They made a stellar game, it want them to make a shitload of money. That’s the only way we’re going to get another game of BG3 quality.
I friggin love mine. It’s a lifesaver when I have to travel for work and am stuck in a hotel or if I want to hang out in the living room or in bed and game. I’ve always had really good experiences with Valve hardware. Loved my steam link and still have 3 steam controllers too.
Fucking SOLD. I’ll be playing this day one for sure.